47,5 Km, nur mit Unterstützungsstufen 2 und 3 von 5 gefahren. Akku 3 Jahre alt. Immerhin kann ich noch mit 50 Km rechnen. Mein anderer Akku ist 3,5 Jahre alt und hält bei gleicher "Beanspruchung" ca. 30 Km!
Bestes Angebot für einen neuen 48V 10,4 Ah / 499 Wh zur Zeit 410€.
Warte auf Antwort von Prophete, ob ich die neuen Akkus von AEG 48V 12,8 Ah / 600 Wh Can-Bus 2.0 / 2.5 nutzen kann.
Die sind aber wieder teurer und ein neues Ladegerät würde ich auch brauchen.
I feel slightly weirded-out whenever a vendor says "[product] supports CANBus, J1939, and Modbus communication!" but they provide no documentation about their messaging specification.
It always makes me wonder whether they're keeping secrets or I'm just being stupid. 😹
#modbus #canbus #controlsystems #engineering
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/can-bus-how-it-works-advantages-and-disadvantages
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/can-bus-how-it-works-advantages-and-disadvantages
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall: http://nitter.platypush.tech/iotforall/status/1666810065289084930#m
#CANbus #data can provide valuable insights into the performance, health, and behavior of a vehicle, but it can also be challenging to collect and process it. @EMQtech discusses these advantages and disadvantages in depth. https://www.iotforall.com/can-bus-how-it-works-advantages-and-disadvantages
Referenced link: https://www.iotforall.com/can-bus-how-it-works-advantages-and-disadvantages
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://www.iotforall.com/can-bus-how-it-works-advantages-and-disadvantages
Originally posted by IoT For All / @iotforall: http://nitter.platypush.tech/iotforall/status/1664255895386071040#m
Apart from #automotive applications, other industries have embraced #CANbus, the versatile network protocol, over time. Learn more from @EMQtech about its advantages and disadvantages.
Hey Fedi, I need help finding out how to do something for CAN bus controls.
I've got a 2015 Toyota Corolla, and I want to change some of the settings you'd normally change on the stock head unit (headlight behavior, beeps, door unlock/lock remote) but I've replaced the factory head unit and my current one doesn't support this.
Is this something I can change using an #Arduino and #CANbus shield, or similar using another MCU? #automotive #carhacking #arduino #microcontrollers #microcontroller
#arduino #canbus #automotive #carhacking #microcontrollers #microcontroller
Can't tell if #ChatGPT is being an echo chamber to my thought process or if it legitimately knows stuff that is hard to google... These Chinese car radios are really interesting but a pain to debug. I'm pretty sure either my #CANBox is faulty or its not connected properly to the #CANBus. 😵💫
.@NXP evaluation board based on S32K344 Arm Cortex-M7 #automotive microcontroller with 6x CAN bus interfaces, one T1 Ethernet interface, and designed for mobile robots and #drones. #robotics #Canbus #devkit #motorcontrol #AMR #UAV
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/cnxsoft/status/1659493897721233409
#uav #AMR #motorcontrol #devkit #canbus #robotics #drones #automotive
📬 Autodiebstahl: Kriminelle hacken Toyotas CAN-Bus mit Nokia 3310
#DarkCommerce #ITSicherheit #BluetoothLautsprecher #CANBus #CANInjection #DarknetMarktplatz #Lexus #Maserati #Nokia3310 #Telegram #ToyotaRAV4 https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/autodiebstahl-kriminelle-hacken-toyotas-can-bus-mit-nokia-3310-273411.html
#toyotarav4 #telegram #nokia3310 #maserati #lexus #DarknetMarktplatz #caninjection #canbus #bluetoothlautsprecher #itsicherheit #DarkCommerce
Defeating #carsecurity systems with a #CANbus injection attack from the car's headlights.
TL;DR: CAN bus is an unecrypted protocol that allows for relatively easy injection of malicious payload.
Stell dir vor, du besitzt ein Auto eines relativ weit verbreiten Modells, und jetzt haben Leute einen Weg gefunden, es zu entsperren und wegzufahren. Patches nicht möglich, weil der Hersteller auf #SecurityByObscurity gesetzt und Authentifizierung gar nicht vorgesehen hat. Unangenehm.
#Toyota #CANBus
#canbus #toyota #securitybyobscurity
Dumdidum... #alleskaputt #canbus #auto https://www.heise.de/news/CAN-Hack-Diebe-klauen-Autos-ueber-Netzwerkprotokoll-ohne-Schluessel-8792329.html
Mini PCIe module with four CAN FD interfaces. #Canbus #embeddedsystems
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/cnxsoft/status/1638803926681264129
RV-Bridge Takes HomeKit to the Open Road https://hackaday.com/2023/03/09/rv-bridge-takes-homekit-to-the-open-road/ #TransportationHacks #Microcontrollers #camper #canbus #rv-c #rv
#TransportationHacks #Microcontrollers #camper #canbus #rv
A BMW shifter turned into a Bluetooth keyboard #CANbus #Keyboards @tenderlove
A BMW shifter turned into a Bluetooth keyboard #CANbus #Keyboards @tenderlove https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=544121
Adafruit Top Secret March 1, 2023 #Adafruit #AdafruitTopSecret #Feather @Adafruit #Feather #CANbus
#adafruit #adafruittopsecret #feather #canbus
Adafruit Top Secret March 1, 2023 #Adafruit #AdafruitTopSecret #Feather @Adafruit #Feather #CANbus https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=543922
#adafruit #AdafruitTopSecret #feather #canbus
And the investigation of the RAV4 stolen by CAN Injection from @mintynet is continuing. Latest update: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7033413508448845824 #canbus #caninjection
It's looking like "CAN Injection Attack" is the new "Relay Attack" for stealing cars. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kentindell_theftfromcar-canbus-activity-7033734671532228608-80UC #canbus