"Kulturkampf von rechts: Berliner #Bibliotheken sind Ziel rechtsextremistischer Übergriffe"
#Neorechts #Rechtsextremismus #Bibliothek #Literatur #Berlin #Hass #Zensur #Bildung #Cancel #Faschismus
#faschismus #cancel #bildung #Zensur #hass #Berlin #Literatur #bibliothek #rechtsextremismus #neorechts #bibliotheken
#Cancel Qantas Airways flight, Qantas Airways flight Cancellation, Qantas Airways customer Service
#Buchverbote in den #USA
An Iowa school district is using #ChatGPT to decide which books to ban
#bucher #konservatismus #Zensur #cancel #chatgpt #USA #buchverbote
In 2007, a football match in Johannesburg was called off three times; once for a lightning storm overhead, once when strong winds blew advertising boards across the pitch, and once more when players said they couldn’t be bothered anymore.
#football #southafrica #johannesburg #cancel #calledoff #lightning #wind #cba #QI #notQI
#football #southafrica #johannesburg #cancel #calledoff #lightning #wind #CBA #qi #notqi
Die #CSU, #DeSantis und der vulgäre "Schund":
An Floridas Schulen dürfen jetzt nur noch zensierte Fassungen der Werke von William #Shakespeare gelesen werden bzw nur Auszüge. Wegen #DeSantis.
Nur zur Erinnerung, es ist erst ein paar Wochen her, dass sich eine prominent besetzte Delegation der #CSU mit dem republikanischen Rechtsaußen-Gouverneur getroffen hat...
#Cancel #Zensur #Schule #Bildung #USA #Postfaschismus #Literatur #Scheuer #DorotheeBär #Bayern #BayernWahl
#bayernwahl #bayern #dorotheebar #scheuer #Literatur #postfaschismus #USA #bildung #Schule #Zensur #cancel #shakespeare #desantis #csu
Cancel-Zensur: AfD unterbricht Live-Stream vom Parteitag an kritischer Stelle
#Zensur #AfD #Rechtsextremismus #Neorechts #Cancel #Berichterstattung #Parteitag
#parteitag #berichterstattung #cancel #neorechts #rechtsextremismus #afd #Zensur
#Zensur von Büchern:
In den #USA hat die Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) den Start eines Banned Book Club angekündigt: Mithilfe des digitalen Bibliotheksausweises und einer E-Reader-App kann man sich landesweit E-Book-Versionen verbotener Bücher ausleihen.
Gute Idee, hoffentlich anonym genug, um die Leute vor einer neorechten Verfolgung zu schützen
#Neorechts #Neufaschismus #Cancel #Literatur #Bücher #Bibliothek #Rassismus #LGBTQIA #Wissen
#wissen #LGBTQIA #rassismus #bibliothek #bucher #Literatur #cancel #neufaschismus #neorechts #USA #Zensur
Hammer Diskussionen heute bei #illner und #lanz #klimakatastrophe #LetzteGeneration #Cancel #kulturkampf #gendern
#illner #lanz #klimakatastrophe #LetzteGeneration #cancel #kulturkampf #gendern
Bon alors, #GuillaumeTell il est #cancel ou pas?
#histoire #statue #lugano #cancel #guillaumetell
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 29th June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 29th June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 28th June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 28th June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 27th June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 27th June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
Can we please #cancel #BillMaher already? He's been an undercover #antivaxxer for a while, but he now feels emboldened to let his schmuck-flag fly. There's no excuse for a guy like him to be so pridefully #ignorant about such an important issue. His reach will ensure that his dumb-shit beliefs about matters of medical science will infect others who are susceptible to that flavor of bullshit. He's committed to his ignorance, so I've gotta put him in my rearview mirror.
#cancel #billmaher #antivaxxer #ignorant
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 22nd June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
SpoilerTV Broadcast Cancellation Predictor Table 2022/23 *Updated with 22nd June 2023 Finals*
#TV #Television #Renew #Cancel #RenewCancel
#tv #television #renew #cancel #renewcancel
#Cancel SHINee for water pollution😔
#cancel #raiseawareness #pollution #shinee