Kein Verbot für Neger- und Indianer-Lieder beim Bayerischen Rundfunk? #Öffentlich-Rechtliche #CancelCulture #Empfohlen #Top-Thema #Zensur #Neu
#neu #zensur #top #empfohlen #cancelculture #offentlich
La #CancelCulture, un truc de woke...
Menaces, censure, diffamation… Dans une commune de Normandie, un spectacle crée la discorde
> Un collectif d’artistes et syndicalistes souhaite présenter un spectacle autour de la grève historique de 1974 dans l’usine Piron à Bretoncelles (Orne). La famille de l’ancien patron dénonce une manifestation politique à charge. Le maire annule la représentation. Les artistes crient à la censure et l’un d’eux aurait reçu des menaces.
Saturday, 9 September in #Utrecht, Posie Parker is planned to speak at an event for women who think that XX chromosomes identify a real woman, women who don't want XY women in their bathroom or dressing room.
Antifa types want to disturb the event by making a lot of noise. Because that is what grown-ups do, not exchange ideas. This could get wild. But I will be at the meetup in Rijs.
#CancelCulture #PosieParker
#utrecht #cancelculture #posieparker
Une présentation très claire de cette nouvelle forme de totalitarisme …
Der rechte scum besetzt immer mehr Platz in der Gesellschaft. Und die #gesellschaft ? Hat Angst mit #cancelculture in Verbindung gebracht zu werden!
Kennt ihr auch diese Leute, die einem ungefragt ihre Meinung um die Ohren hauen, die schlimmsten Vorurteile und den größten Blödsinn erzählen und dann, bevor man auch nur einmal etwas sagen kann, kommt der folgende Satz...
"Aber man darf ja heute überhaupt nichts mehr sagen!" 🥴
#ElmoMush turned #Twitter 🐦 into #Xitter 🚽.
So, to people who still tweet, we know where your mind is. 🤔
For instance, #MAGA minion #StephenMiller just fired off a bunch of tweets blaming #woke #Kelloggs for #grooming children to be gay with #PopTarts. 👉
Do NOT play Whack-a-mole with a #MAGAmoron. Just #WalkAway. #CancelCulture will #SaveAmerica from MAGA madness. ✅
#elmomush #Twitter #xitter #MAGA #stephenmiller #woke #kelloggs #Grooming #poptarts #magamoron #walkaway #cancelculture #saveamerica
@vol4life8657 I like this song. I don't agree with #cancelCulture and I believe that liberals are the ones that made it a thing because they could. They think that boycotts are the only way to make their opinions known. Liberals will end entire friendships with people who are different from them because they're opinions don't align with their own. Now, conservatives are extreme too. There's no doubt that conservative extremists are anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ. You can't deny that and we just don't need it in our lives. Both parties are to blame for so many things. We just need to have conversations and talk like civilized humans but we all know that'll never happen.
Wenn Worte zur Waffe werden: Wie Cancelculture die Debatte vergiftet
Cancelculture - Worte können eine Waffe sein, wenn man ein politisches Framing betreibt um politische Gegner zu zerstören ...
#Cancelculture #Diskussionskultur #Gesellschaft #Hintergrund
#cancelculture #diskussionskultur #gesellschaft #hintergrund
Krankhafte Cancel Culture beim WDR: Kein Herz für Zwergenkönige #CancelCulture #Gesellschaft #Top-Thema #Wokeness #Zensur #Neu #WDR
#wdr #neu #zensur #wokeness #top #gesellschaft #cancelculture
#Conservatives are obsessed with #sexualizing the #lgbtqia community especially where there's absolutely no sex involved. #ConservativeChristians are #perverts!
#representation #Marginalization #diversity #fascism #Authoritarianism #RightWingExtremism #ChristianPrivilege #AmericanTaliban #ChristoFascism #christiannationalism #hypocrisy #projection #gaslighting #cancelculture
#conservatives #sexualizing #lgbtqia #conservativechristians #perverts #representation #marginalization #diversity #fascism #authoritarianism #rightwingextremism #christianprivilege #americantaliban #Christofascism #ChristianNationalism #hypocrisy #projection #gaslighting #cancelculture
#cancelculture #culturewar #bookban #faschismus
#Bücherverbote und andere Angriffe auf Meinungs- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit der faschistischen Bewegung in den #USA gehen viel weiter, als hierzulande bekannt ist.
Infos dazu:
#usa #bucherverbote #faschismus #bookban #culturewar #cancelculture
#republicans hate the #truth and the #majority in the #unitedstates.
#ChristianPrivilege #AmericanTaliban #RightWingExtremism #AlternativeLifestyle #ConservativeChristians #transphobia #prolife #abortion #antichoice #prochoice #BigGovernment #cancelculture
#republicans #truth #majority #unitedstates #christianprivilege #americantaliban #rightwingextremism #alternativelifestyle #conservativechristians #transphobia #prolife #abortion #antichoice #prochoice #biggovernment #cancelculture
Nicht wenige Leute behaupten, in Deutschland würde #CancelCulture herrschen – weil man ihnen sagt, dass sie Bullshit erzählen.
In Russland kann man erleben, was Cancel Culture wirklich ist: Da fällt man aus dem Fenster, stolpert auf der Treppe oder trinkt den letzten Tee.
#AmericanTaliban #RightWingExtremism #ConservativeChristians #transphobia #lgbtqia #homophobia #unamerican #BigGovernment #cancelculture #hypocrisy #projection #gaslighting #indoctrination #republicans #ChristoFascism #christiannationalism #fearmongering #lgbtqia
#americantaliban #rightwingextremism #conservativechristians #transphobia #lgbtqia #homophobia #unamerican #biggovernment #cancelculture #hypocrisy #projection #gaslighting #indoctrination #republicans #Christofascism #ChristianNationalism #fearmongering
Bestraft für Partnerwahl?AfD-Nähe? „HelloFresh“ beendet Werbung mit Reality-TV-Star Iris Klein #CancelCulture #Gesellschaft #Prominente #Fernsehen #b-promi #Medien #woke #RTL
#rtl #woke #medien #b #fernsehen #prominente #gesellschaft #cancelculture
i mean, i expected this - i wanted to be the SJW feminazi #Cancelculture nightmare of right wing wet dreams but i'm not sure i'd walk along in a quiet street at night now.
If a person or mob uses smears against you, don't apologize for "hurting" them. That validates their methods and encourages them to go after others. Standing up against them may be hard, but giving in to #CancelCulture marks you as a target.
“This is the real #cancelCulture,” Henry wrote on his Instagram. “Banning #books, #exhibitions, anything that goes against these #fascist, #whiteSupremacist, #police #propaganda views. A complete joke. Not even a chance to represent my work and views. Everything just ignored to further maintain their narrative and rewrite of #history.”
#censorship #fascism #thoughtCrime #bookBans #historicalRevisionism
#cancelculture #books #exhibitions #fascist #whitesupremacist #Police #propaganda #history #censorship #fascism #thoughtcrime #bookBans #historicalrevisionism