Global News BC: Last-second surgery cancellation leaves B.C. senior waiting up to 6 more months in pain #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CancelledSurgery #MinistryofHeatlh #surgerycancelled #BritishColumbia #hipreplacement #HealthCare #hipsurgery #Surgery #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #cancelledsurgery #ministryofheatlh #surgerycancelled #hipreplacement #healthcare #hipsurgery #surgery #health
Germany's hospital situation making it to the news in Australia is just the beginning... the massive crash and the massive wakeup call is coming. I can feel it. It's devastating that 95% have been too blind to see it a lot earlier, but better late than never. #covid #antibioticsshortage #cancelledsurgery
#covid #antibioticsshortage #cancelledsurgery
Germany's hospital situation making it to the news in Australia is just the beginning... the massive crash and the massive wakeup call is coming. I can feel it. It's devastating that 95% have been too blind to see it a lot earlier, but better late than never. #covid #antibioticsshortage #cancelledsurgery
#covid #antibioticsshortage #cancelledsurgery