#global #generalstrike #worldwide #allforall #alltogether #endcapitalism #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety
"The theory of exodus proposes that the most effective way of opposing capitalism and the liberal state is not through direct confrontation but by means of what Paolo Virno has called “engaged withdrawal,”mass defection by those wishing to create new forms of community.
One need only glance at the historical record to confirm that most successful forms of popular resistance have taken precisely this form. They have not involved challenging power head on (this usually leads to being slaughtered, or if not, turning into some—often even uglier—variant of the very thing one first challenged) but from one or another strategy of slipping away from its grasp, from flight, desertion, the founding of new communities.”
#bullshitjobs #generalstreik #occupy #nowork #donothing #tunix #fuckwork #buynothing #cancelstreaming #cancelnetflix #cancelthemall #escapethepattern #monkeybrain stop #brainwash #emancipate
#emanzipation #emancipation #love #anarchyislove #LeaveNoOneBehind
#gooutside #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #stopactinglikeadults #fuckthem #justbe #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #stopmakingstupidpeoplefamous #stopdoomscrolling
#buynothing #cancelstreaming #global #generalstrike #worldwide #allforall #alltogether #endcapitalism #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #bullshitjobs #generalstreik #occupy #nowork #donothing #tunix #fuckwork #emanzipation #emancipation #love #anarchyislove #leavenoonebehind #gooutside #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #stopactinglikeadults #fuckthem #justbe #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #StopMakingStupidPeopleFamous #stopdoomscrolling #Gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #cancelnetflix #cancelthemall #escapethepattern #monkeybrain #brainwash #emancipate
hashtags to support the #ActorsStrike
#greedyceos #dundun #solidaritysummer
#WritersStrike #SAGAFTRAstrong
#1u #WGAStrong
#HollywoodStrike #HollywoodExecutives
#FireDavidZaslav #FireBobIger #FireTedSarandos
#DoIt4TheFans #EndTheMerger
#WGAStrong #PayYourWriters #PayYourActors
#actorsstrike #greedyceos #dundun #solidaritysummer #writersstrike #sagaftrastrong #1u #wgastrong #hollywoodstrike #hollywoodexecutives #firedavidzaslav #firebobiger #firetedsarandos #doit4thefans #endthemerger #payyourwriters #payyouractors #theydenywedefy #istandwithsagaftra #istandwithrayfisher #istandwithwga #cancelnetflixandchill #shutoffthestreamers #cancelnetflix #cancelparamount #cancelpeacock #cancelhulu #canceldisney
i belong to no unions and no union members asked me to do this. By this, I mean, #cancelnetflix.
I’ve been meaning to cancel Netflix but have hung on in the basic tier. Netflix is finishing the job for me. #CancelNetflix
“Netflix phases out 'basic' streaming plan from its subscription options in Canada” | CityNews Toronto https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/06/23/netflix-canada-basic-streaming-plan/
friends!! i'm writing a story about password sharing. i wanna know about the obscure accounts you used to login to a streaming service and how you feel about the netflix crackdown. hit me at alyssa.bereznak@theringer.com or reply here CC the #CancelNetflix crowd
I would really recommend everyone #CancelNetflix this month whether you share your account with others or not.
It's not like a strike where you could lose your job: you can always subscribe later, so there's no risk. Netflix is not going to tell you you can't resubscribe at a later date.
Why not ditch #Netflix to help send the message about this pathetic little money grab?
Користувачі #Netflix масово відписуються від сервісу після заборони на шеринг паролів
Для платформи це рішення виявилося не найкращим – багато користувачів почали скасовувати свої підписки.
Тепер мережі повняться дописами з тегом #CancelNetflix. Втім, люди обурюються не тільки через спільні акаунти - на зростання кількості відписок вплинуло також зниження якості контенту та скасування популярних серіалів.
Netflix, sui social l'ira degli abbonati. #CancelNetflix l'hashtag del momento https://www.hdblog.it/applicazioni/articoli/n570282/netflix-cancelnetflix-rabbia-utenti-condivisione/
#CancelNetflix? Netflix subscribers are threatening to leave the streaming service after the password sharing crackdown. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/05/26/how-to-cancel-your-netflix-account-after-password-sharing-crackdown/70261735007/?taid=6471875ac5325a000142ad92&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter #press
So, if I wanted to watch Netflix on my lunch break at work, #Netflix thinks I should pay for ANOTHER SUBSCRIPTION?
#cancelnetflix #greedflation #Netflix
Netflix picked the wrong time to pull their shenanigans. I’d been a digital subscriber since the launch of digital only subscriptions in 2009.
Over time my account grew to include profiles for people in 4 houses. Netflix wouldn’t let us pay to keep everyone on one account if we wanted to. So we cancelled.
We all decided we’re better off without it, especially because their selection isn’t what it used to be. Easy decision honestly.
#cancelnetflix #accountsharing #cordcutting #Netflix
Cancelled Netflix today. The corporate insistence of profit growth every year and limitless greed has made companies forget that you've always got to leave a little bit of wiggle room for the little guy.
#netflix #cancelnetflix #wasichu
@BlackAzizAnansi I received the same email today and felt the same way, but initially I was on the fence because my parents use it through my account (I pay for the family plan for exactly that reason)
But the more I think about it, and after reading your post, I think it’s time to walk away. I canceled Amazon Prime for the raised fees this year too, it’s just grossly greedy all around.
After 12 years as a loyal Netflix customer, I finally canceled my account due to their cracking down on password sharing and general corporate bullshit. My account may only be one account, but I want to urge everybody else to cancel their accounts also, because if Netflix makes a profit from preventing password sharing, then cracking down on password sharing will become the industry standard.
When #Netflix comes around to start hunting you, your s.o. , your parents, or your children for your family password sharing (or vpn use) the only action is to #CancelNetflix and to let them know why.
🖕🏼 #GreedFlix 🖕🏼 can go unlist themselves to drop the needy shareholders … and then fire everyone who got hired through nepotism and came up with ideas like mobile games that nobody wants
#netflix #cancelnetflix #greedflix
I just cancelled my Netflix.
It is clear to me that Reed Hastings and his @netflix are the tip of the spear, stubbornly refusing to negotiate in good faith with @wgawest @wgaeast. Join me! Your subscription fee would be better spent as a Venmo or Cash App to a writer or other Hollywood worker now without income, forced to #BoldlyBeg
#CancelNetflix #actorslife #IstandwithWGA
#boldlybeg #cancelnetflix #actorslife #istandwithwga
Buh bye, Netflix.
Whoa, we've used it since before our eldest was born? Neat.
#CancelNetflix #Netflix #SharingIsLove #PasswordSharingNoMore
#cancelnetflix #netflix #sharingislove #passwordsharingnomore
#Netflix #password sharing policy does not apply to #Tesla vehicles
RT @Sudz3
@Netflix_CA Spent 30 minutes on with chat and they had no good way for me to remain connected at home, work and the trailer, as well as my tesla. - all different wifis, location… but only immediate family. Result: #byebyeNetflix #CancelNetflix
#netflix #password #tesla #byebyenetflix #cancelnetflix
For those playing the home game, #netflix is doing what can only be referred to as Target Canada move which would be "build a business Canadians want then absolutely sabotage it with a garbage, elitist understanding of the consumers in Canada" #cancelnetflix #netflixcanada
#netflixcanada #cancelnetflix #netflix