By the end of the Supreme Court term in June, millions of college grads will know whether the Biden Administration's plan to #cancelstudentloandebt is legal or not. Here's a quick recap of the case:
#cancelstudentloandebt #studentloans #collegedebt #SCOTUS #News
Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States
@rbreich when will we realize that a class-action for unconstitutional & variable tax levies will bring the power back to the people?
#LeaveTheGunTakeTheCanoli #TaxTheRichHelpThePoor
#SCOTUS #CancelStudentLoanDebt #SaveDemocracy #SaveHumanity
#leavetheguntakethecanoli #taxtherichhelpthepoor #scotus #cancelstudentloandebt #savedemocracy #savehumanity
I graduated college in 2009 & today my student loan is finally paid off!! ðŸ˜
(But also student loan forgiveness for everyone should still happen. Just bc I paid mine, doesn't mean other people don't deserve freedom from drowning in deceptive loans. Cancel all student loan debt!)
#cancelstudentloandebt #cancelstudentdebt #Studentloanrelief
#cancelstudentloandebt #cancelstudentdebt #studentloanrelief