The sad thing is, there will be a horde of people who see this as an opportunity to "fill the gap" by rushing to volunteer themselves for exploitation.
They've been told, in black and white, "we'll steal your ideas and help ourselves to any profits you make". And they'll still be keen for it.
#ogl #dndbegone #cancelyourddbsub
It's not to my taste but it's undeniably good design.
#DnDBegone #CancelYourDDBSub
@dnd is one of the larger TTRPG news sites. Morrus who heads it up has certainly got some firm views.
My! Exciting times. There's going to be a lot of concerted effort here. Never been a more exciting time for role-playing.
#dnd #ogl #fuckhasbro #dndbegone #cancelyourddbsub
Well, if _I_ wanted to paint people complaining about having the "perpetual" licence changed as:
- Bigots
- Fans of Crypto
- general bad people
I would totally release this statement.
Nothing has materially changed. Weasels of the Coast has merely scaled back their open thievery to just bullying micropublishers.
#opendnd #dnd #ogl #cancelyourddbsub #fuckhasbro #orc
Ah Ginni Di advocates canceling subs to to send a message. Beyond experiences a DDOS of people logging on.
Remember to email them and politely tell them why. Boycotts without informing the company don't change minds.
Thanks to my source!
#cancelyourddbsub #opendnd #fuckhasbro #ogl #boycottdnd
@dragoncrown Also remember to tell them that you are cancelling due to the OGL. Boycotting a company without telling them WHY you're doing it is worse than useless.
I don't have a way to verify this but it's pretty interesting. I already submitted a complaint to WotC and set my subscription to cancel on expiry and have received acknowledgment.
Financially this does make sense. There is ZERO power in a boycott where you don't tell them you're boycotting them and why. Think about it, they can't read your minds! :)
Please boost, spread the hashtag, tell your friends. :)
#dnd #ogl #cancelyourddbsub #fuckhasbro