B.C. to build new #CancerCentre in #Kamloops | Vancouver Sun https://vancouversun.com/health/local-health/bc-new-cancer-centre-kamloops “The new centre at the #RoyalInlandHospital will include radiation therapy, meaning patients will no longer have to travel the roughly two-hour trip south to Kelowna for that treatment, Health Minister Adrian Dix said Thursday.”
#cancercentre #kamloops #royalinlandhospital
Global News BC: ‘Concept plan’ complete for new Kamloops cancer centre https://globalnews.ca/news/9723454/concept-plan-complete-for-new-kamloops-cancer-centre/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #kamloopscancercentre #RoyalInlandHospital #Kamloopshospital #CancerTreatment #kamloopscancer #Cancercentre #AdrianDix #Kamloops #Health #RIH
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kamloopscancercentre #RoyalInlandHospital #kamloopshospital #cancertreatment #kamloopscancer #cancercentre #AdrianDix #kamloops #health #rih