Really saddened to hear about #JamesCasey dying. As some of you know, my brother also died of #ColonCancer at a too-young age. Please take the time to learn about your family history and do some screening if there is the slightest cause for concern. I've been getting colonoscopies since my mid 20s and they really aren't that bad. #CancerSucks #Cancer #CancerAwareness
#jamescasey #coloncancer #cancersucks #cancer #cancerawareness
Notice from GoFundMe
#Today, my oldest sister, who has brain cancer, goes into a nursing facility. She can no longer care for herself. She's fought lymphoma, eye cancer and now the brain. She's a tough old broad, who's had so much chemo and radiation thrown at her, I'm surprised she's not glowing.
The care facility will cost $9,000 a month. A month.
#universalhealthcare #Healthcare #cancersucks #today
Leia had a really rough night, throwing up everything she’d eaten yesterday. Undigested, so her systems are shutting down. Also pooped out a huge pile at the bottom of the stairs trying to get to her litter box. She is clearly in a lot of pain now.
So we’ve made the difficult decision that we need to let her go & end her suffering, our visit to the vet later this morning will be her last. She’s been a wonderful friend and we’re going to miss her terribly.
#cats #catsofmastodon #cancersucks
#cats #catsofmastodon #cancersucks
Today is my last day of work. I’ve been on vacation the past two weeks. I just turned in all my IT gear, parking pass, building access card, internet access card & travel card. I’m officially retired! It’s so weird to be done. We work our whole lives, planning for this day to come. Now it’s time to relax, find things that bring me joy and kick cancers ass! #CancerSucks
#cancersucks #findacureforcancer
Tough treatment day, dry heaving in the clinic bathroom. Doc prescribed Ativan and my lovely bride picked it up for me, woke up 4 hours later and showered but I I still reak of poison. Bleh. Luna, my infusion pump, and I are on the couch sharing some Wheat Thins and Sprite.
#cancer #cancersucks
The new leukemia treatment my Doc put me on is giving me a steady headache. Sprycel may be saving my life but I’m not a fan of this friggin headache! I can’t take Tylenol or ibuprofen for the pain because it lowers the effectiveness of the medication. Suck it up buttercup!#cancersucks
Donated blood yesterday. We've had several relatives affected by cancer recently, which can require a lot of blood products. #cancerSucks
Started a new leukemia pill today. Sprycel. I’m hoping this pill gets my levels below zero with no side effects. The last pill (Gleevec) gave me fatigue 2 hours after taking it. I would crash out from 3-7 PM every day. Fingers crossed this new pill works. #CancerSucks
One of my cousins was diagnosed with #cancer. If you are able, please consider donating. #ovariancancer #cancersucks
#cancer #ovariancancer #cancersucks
If anyone is still worried about me, don’t - I’m being watched carefully. #DogsOfMastodon #CancerSucks
First post surgery thing anything like a decent shower:
Resounding Success. In spite of the F word.
I just learned that one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever met was recently diagnosed with cancer.
The first thing I noticed about him when I met him years ago was how his smiles are always genuine. He is someone who really listens and empathizes when you speak. And when HE speaks, his voice is always gentle and calm.
If you have anything to spare, please consider reading about his situation and donating to this fund for him.
I’ve been avoiding mentioning the worst thing about this situation for a while, because it is kind of TMI, but man, “Foley” is involved way more than I wish it was. Five more days.
Bloating slowly going away but it’s still hard to stand up straight.
Update: between the bad battery on my drip, the squeezing around my legs, and the feeling of severe gas from the abdominal inflation they did, zero sleep (not much pain otherwise). Probably need to get up and walk around a bit anyway. #CancerSucks
Early morning again. Not so much excitement about this one when compared to a week ago Saturday. More like anxiety. Also, hungry.
One of my friends, who loves to go to brewpubs, was just diagnosed with breast cancer. The link to alcohol is news to me so others may not know either.
Personally, given all the other harms I see from alcohol, I have no problem with one more reason to avoid it.
#breastcancer #cancersucks #cancer #beer #wine #alcohol