Happy Birthday to all the zodiacal Cancers! ♋️
The Summer Solstice on June 21, 2023 marked the beginning of the Sun 🌞 in Cancer.
Cancer energy brings sensitivity and emotional processing. It relates to mothering and nurturing. 🤱🏽
These caring roles serve to protect our vital natural process of self-healing. 🩹
Watch this video to learn: ➡️
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologyHeals #CancerZodiacSign #SummerSolstice #AstrologersofMastodon
#astrology #astrovibe #astrologyheals #cancerzodiacsign #summersolstice #astrologersofmastodon
Today's #CancerMoon 🌛 brings a focus on:
✨ #feelings 🥲
✨ #caring 🍵
✨ #nurturing 🧸
Whether from an actual mother, a caregiver, or from your own self, how has nurturing factored into your healing process?
How can you care for yourself or someone else today?
More in this videohttps://youtu.be/VbgB4NyCj4s
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologersofMastodon #AstrologyHeals #CancerZodiacSign
#cancermoon #feelings #caring #nurturing #astrology #astrovibe #astrologersofmastodon #astrologyheals #cancerzodiacsign