For the @danmei fans out there:
My #danmei fandoms are #tgcf #TianGuanCiFu #HeavenOfficialsBlessing #svsss #ScumVillain #ScumVillainsSelfSavingSystem #RenZhaFanpaiZijiuXitong #mdzs #TheUntamed #MoDaoZuShi #woh #WordOfHonor #TheFourteenthYearOfChenghua #TheSleuthoftheMingDynasty #CanCiPin
Also interested in non Danmei webnovels like #YouFei #LegendOfFei and #ClearAndMuddyLossOfLove
I read/watch in English and look up 中文 names and wordplay and literary references as I go.
#danmei #tgcf #TianGuanCiFu #heavenofficialsblessing #svsss #scumvillain #scumvillainsselfsavingsystem #renzhafanpaizijiuxitong #mdzs #TheUntamed #modaozushi #woh #wordofhonor #thefourteenthyearofchenghua #thesleuthofthemingdynasty #cancipin #youfei #legendoffei #clearandmuddylossoflove
After perusing yours, I’ve decided my #introduction post was woefully insufficient.
My two true everlasting loves:
• #mdzs / #cql / #theuntamed (all formats)
• #harrypotter and #fantasticbeasts (not jkr)
Genres: #fantasy #xianxia #paranormal #horror #scifi #danmei #cdrama #kdrama #fanfic
#lotr / #lordoftherings
#got / #gameofthrones
#goblin / #guardian
#hanayoridango / #boysoverflowers / #meteorgarden
#introduction #mdzs #cql #theuntamed #harrypotter #fantasticbeasts #fantasy #xianxia #paranormal #horror #scifi #danmei #cdrama #kdrama #fanfic #lotr #lordoftherings #got #gameofthrones #strangerthings #thelastunicorn #cancipin #xfiles #willow #princessbride #goblin #guardian #hanayoridango #boysoverflowers #meteorgarden