Thrilled to let you know that @premeesaurus and I will be doing a chill event the Thursday night before Can*Con at The Spaniel's Tale - if you're around, hope you'll stop by?
Oh - it will be the DEBUT of the Inkbloom hardcover! ✨
Hey, #CanConSF - I have office hours! Informal, whatever you want to talk about. If it's your writing, questions on editing, or to tell me about what you're working, I'm here for you. 💖 #CanCon #CanCon2023
Have you ever wanted to create your own chivalric order?
You should probably come to #CanCon2023
There's a panel for that.
Got my Kentucky Meat Shower panel approved for #CanCon2023
Past time you got yourself a ticket, I reckon.
Hey again there is not (yet) an official #CanCon Mastodon presence but allow me to yell unofficially that there are 10 days left to apply to be a panelist at #CanCon2023 so if you have things that must be said about SF, Fantasy, and Horror you should go to the link and do the thing.
There isn't a Can*Con Mastodon account (yet?) but if you'd like be be a panelist at #CanCon2023 (Ottawa's, and possibly Canada's, finest #SFFH #conference), you can/should apply at the link. Deadline is April 30th.