Dear god... #WhiteSupremacist, #antisemite supporter, and everyone's #AuntThomasina #CandaceOwen, per #TYT, wishes #countrymusic singer #MarenMorris would be arrested for having her kid near #dragqueens and for not living "a wholesome life"
Cenk and Ana (not fans, but they are on point here) remind her of a coquettish #RudyGiuliani and a motorboating #Trump from #SNL #history.
#whitesupremacist #antisemite #auntthomasina #candaceowen #tyt #countrymusic #marenmorris #dragqueens #rudygiuliani #trump #snl #history
black white nationalist Candace Owens says she would beat her trans grandchild with a cane if they came out..#CandaceOwen..#GOP..#LGBTQ..#hate..#whitenationalism..
#candaceowen #gop #lgbtq #hate #WhiteNationalism