Serata in riva al mare con le amiche
#mare #spiaggia #ombrelloni #estate #rivieraromagnola #cesenatico #adriatico #ponente #candela #romanticomaancheno #manchisolotu #machiiiiiii #relax #vacanze #2023
#mare #spiaggia #ombrelloni #estate #rivieraromagnola #cesenatico #adriatico #ponente #candela #romanticomaancheno #manchisolotu #machiiiiiii #relax #vacanze
The girl tries to play it cool, but Candela is so hot for Marcelino that even the sun can feel it. :fire: She's dreaming of the day she'll catch him trying to get a peek of her sideboob.
#candela #marcelino #marcelinopanyvino
@Metamedia @rezzyreksya In terms of a technical comparison, according to what I've been able to find:
The Tria 4X machine uses a single wavelength of 810 nm & has an output of 6 to 22 joules.
The Candela GentleMax Pro has different energy outputs depending on wavelength.
1064 nm - 80 joules
755 nm - 53 joules
#laserhairremoval #hairremoval #tria #candela
Hmm.... I just tested a Harbor Freight 1000 lumen lantern next to a 300 lumen lantern that's several years older and the older lantern is brighter!
I wish they'd stop measuring in lumens as the definition of a lumen is not precise enough. Candella is better - 1 meter from the light source, aimed at the light source.
So, I have inadequate lighting right now for my indoor studio. I'll have to work on that. I was hoping to be able to use LED lanterns for lighting for my videos. It seems the light quality and quantity from most portable LED lighting is pathetic.
#led #light #lantern #lumen #candela #studio #youtube #video
#led #light #lantern #lumen #candela #studio #YouTube #Video
Candela C-8: Elektrisches Tragflächenboot mit Batterie von Polestar in Sicht
Candelas Elektro-Tragflächenboot wird von Energie aus Batterien des Elektroautoherstellers Polestar angetrieben. Auch die Ladetechnik stammt von Polestar.
#Batterie #C8 #Candela #ElektroTragflächenboot #Elektroboot #Elektromobilität #Hydrofoil #Ladetechnik #Polestar #Tragfächenboot
#batterie #c8 #candela #elektrotragflachenboot #elektroboot #elektromobilitat #hydrofoil #ladetechnik #polestar #tragfachenboot
FJ Lab: impariamo a costruire una barca - #candela #combustibile #energia #3agosto
#3agosto #energia #combustibile #candela
IL VIDEO. Totti e Candela coppia d`assi a prima edizione Illumia Padel Cup - il Dolomiti #video #totti #candela #coppia #dassi #edizione #illumia #padel #dolomiti #7luglio
#7luglio #dolomiti #padel #illumia #edizione #dassi #coppia #candela #totti #video
a lume di candela - alessia marcuzzi sbarca in rai (e a viale mazzini torna pure elisa isoardi) - Media e Tv #lume #candela #alessia #marcuzzi #sbarca #viale #mazzini #torna #elisa @elisatoffoli #isoardi #media #27maggio
#27Maggio #media #isoardi #elisa #torna #mazzini #viale #sbarca #marcuzzi #alessia #candela #lume
Candela C-8, la barca elettrica che `vola` sull`acqua al Salone Nautico di Venezia - #candela #barca #elettrica #vola #sullacqua #salone #nautico #venezia #hdmotoriit #23maggio
#23maggio #hdmotoriit #venezia #nautico #salone #sullacqua #vola #elettrica #Barca #candela
Sonia Bruganelli ironica su Giuseppe Candela: `Giornalista d`assalto vero` #sonia #bruganelli #ironica #giuseppe #candela #giornalista #dassalto #vero #17maggio
#17maggio #Vero #dassalto #giornalista #candela #giuseppe #ironica #bruganelli #sonia
Only 3 again this time, because it's either that or driving me crazy.
This time we have a cock worship (Shizuka Minamoto from Doraemon), a dominant female (Hilda and you, yes, you, the viewer) and a ENF (Candela from Marcelino Pan y Vino).
#doraemon #hilda #candela #enf #shizuka
the fairies were for some reason the hardest to draw. IDK why 🙄
#Sofu #Demia #sketch #異種族レビュアーズ #anime #fanart #lux #lumen #candela #ishuzoku #ishuzokureviewers #nsfw #Migu #lambert #isyuzoku #ecchi #Mimilo #nito #interspeciesreviewers
Edit: Candela Outdoor [Request]
Date: February 2021
Request for: Swiss chorizo
Source: Marcelino, pan y vino (Marcelino)
Episode: The African Fly
#edit #nsfw #nsfwart #Marcelino #loli #nude #outdoor #tan #barefoot #candela #screenshot_edit
#nsfwart #edit #marcelino #nude #screenshot_edit #nsfw #loli #outdoor #tan #barefoot #candela