August Dispatch: Music on Repeat vol. 4
The end of any summer always brings the inevitable - the impending doom of returning to the office and the end of our beloved festival season.... #Music #CandiCarpenter #DescartesAKant #FooFighters #ManchesterOrchestra #MusicOnRepeat #NovaTwins #QueensOfTheStoneAge #TheBigMoon #WynonaBleach #YeahYeahYeahs
#music #candicarpenter #descartesakant #foofighters #manchesterorchestra #musiconrepeat #novatwins #QueensOfTheStoneAge #thebigmoon #wynonableach #yeahyeahyeahs
Candi Carpenter – Cult
Cult. Can you leave one? Can your family feel like a cult and drag you down? An unlikely combination of indie rock and indie pop with a quick [...]... #Music #SingleReviews #CandiCarpenter
#music #singlereviews #candicarpenter