Loved this piece!
I need to have it “at the ready”…
When bozo’s come at me w/“Biden’s too #old BS.
“But in a contest between these two old men of almost the same old age, where one is tired & imperfect & the other unhinged & malignant, #biden ’s slight seniority is only an issue because there’s so little else to raise.”
You might want to ask…
“Why don’t we have younger #candidates
That’s worth considering.
"#Candidates for #president had lots to say about #abortion restrictions during the first #Republicandebate. We checked the data to #verify their claims."
#factcheck #factChecking
#candidates #president #abortion #republicandebate #verify #factcheck #factchecking
First Past the Post locks many talented people out of politics https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/first-past-the-post-locks-many-talented-people-out-of-politics/ #ukpol #ukpolitics #FirstPastthePost #ElectoralReform #Candidates
#ukpol #ukpolitics #firstpastthepost #electoralreform #candidates
All Nations Invited to Join BRICS Said ‘Yes’ to Membership: Russian Diplomat - The six countries that received an invitation to become members of BRICS at its su... - https://news.bitcoin.com/all-nations-invited-to-join-brics-said-yes-to-membership-russian-diplomat/ #emergingmarkets #memberstates #organization #enlargement #invitations #southafrica #candidates #newmembers #expansion #diplomat #members #russian #russia #summit #brics #group #news #bloc
#bloc #news #group #brics #summit #russia #russian #members #diplomat #expansion #newmembers #candidates #southafrica #invitations #enlargement #organization #memberstates #emergingmarkets
Well, if #GOP #candidates can’t make the case against someone who was impeached twice while president, and has been indicted four times since, then those candidates aren’t worthy of the nomination either. #debate
Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao's move to announce a majority of his party candidates for the state elections that are yet to be announced, is a mark of confidence, leaders of his party said.
#KCR #Candidates #Telangana #Poll
#kcr #candidates #telangana #poll
My poor #cpu.
I've spent the #morning on #coding and #implementing a #math problem that tries to find #candidates that break #collatzconjecture ... If you are thinking about this problem, go and touch grass and do something way more #productive with your time.
#cpu #morning #coding #implementing #math #candidates #collatzconjecture #productive #mathproblem #stupidmathproblem #why
#RFKJr maintains highest #favorability among #candidates #Kennedy2024
#RFKJr #favorability #candidates #Kennedy2024
China Faces Opposition to Rapid BRICS Expansion From India and Brazil, Report - BRICS member states India and Brazil stand in the way of China’s bid to quickly ex... - https://news.bitcoin.com/china-faces-opposition-to-rapid-brics-expansion-from-india-and-brazil-report/ #memberstates #discussions #southafrica #applicants #candidates #membership #expansion #members #brazil #russia #summit #brics #china #india #talks #news
#news #talks #india #china #brics #summit #russia #brazil #members #expansion #membership #candidates #applicants #southafrica #discussions #memberstates
🗳️ Unser #Casting ist heute auf 50 #Kandidatinnen gewachsen. Nun möchten wir in 14 Tagen einen neuen Header gestalten der die bis dahin beliebtesten Strandschönheiten zeigt. Stimmt schnell noch mal für eure Favoritin!
✅ Our #casting has grown to 50 #candidates today. In 14 days we would like to design a new header that shows the most popular #beach #beauties up to that point. Vote for your favorite again!
#Kreation #Creation #art #mywork #meer #Strand #model #woman
#woman #model #strand #meer #mywork #art #creation #kreation #beauties #beach #candidates #KandidatInnen #casting
@DrJackBrown It would be lovely if you could add some hashtags to this like #candidates or #DemocraticCandidates or #2024Elections - these will help an important post like this travel farther and be searchable. (now I guess my reply does it...)
#2024Elections #democraticcandidates #candidates
Why is Ron #DeSantis emailing his supporters about men getting pregnant?
Because he and all the other #Republican #presidential #candidates are afraid to mention #abortion.
Good. Let them be afraid to talk about abortion and #women's #healthcare. It'll make the #debates VERY interesting.
🔗 https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/30/desantis-campaign-cash-gop-voters-00104323
Why #RonDeSantis is emailing his #supporters about #men getting #pregnant
#iamdb #pregnant #men #supporters #rondesantis #debates #Healthcare #women #abortion #candidates #presidential #republican #desantis
I'm suddenly getting blitzed by text messages from #political #candidates thousands of miles away whom I've never donated to asking for money. Just stop. It's obnoxious. #campaign
#campaign #candidates #political
🤦 🤦♂️
So many unqualified #Republican #candidates for #POTUS. (Yes, there is RFK, Jr., too). Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to #ForeignPolicy. It is ignorance. (Seriously, if you do not know about the #Uyghurs, that is okay with me as long as you are not running for #President. It would be better if you did know about them and how their #HumanRights have been/are being violated — maybe now is a good time to read up — but at least don't run for President. Please. Thx)
#republican #candidates #potus #foreignpolicy #uyghurs #president #humanrights
cambodian · candidates · lawmakers · vote
#news #vote #candidates
Filing Deadline for Local Races
#2024 #candidates #CircuitJudge #county #filing #judicial #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
#candidates #circuitjudge #county #filing #judicial #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
Stop endorsing #parties, #candidates during #elections, cleric tells #religious leaders
#parties #candidates #elections #religious
🐉 Mar 11, 2021: The trend also extended to #registrations of #candidates and #coalitions. - biometricupdate https://maddoctors2020.blogspot.com/2023/05/mar-11-2021-trend-also-extended-to.html
#registrations #candidates #coalitions
#Utility companies can #bankroll elected #candidates, exerting influence through campaign cash.
Arizona’s biggest utility, for instance, gave millions of dollars to #darkmoney groups that helped elect two commissioners — and then refused to acknowledge that spending for years. The new commissioners later voted to slash #rooftopsolar incentives.
“That may be my biggest concern — that wide-open door for #influence by utilities,” Heern said.
#utility #bankroll #candidates #darkmoney #rooftopsolar #influence
@SmudgeTheInsultCat #PaymentTransparency should be demanded by #recruiters and #candidates!
#candidates #Recruiters #paymenttransparency