BARBIE y Candy Crush Saga se unen creando un mundo de fantasía único para los jugadores
#noticias #barbie #candycrushsaga
Un madrileño gana 30 mil dólares en el Torneo de Candy Crush All Stars
#eSports #Industria #Noticias #CandyCrushAllStar2023 #CandyCrushSaga
#esports #industria #noticias #candycrushallstar2023 #candycrushsaga
Kotaku: This Mom Didn't Know She Was In A $250K Candy Crush Tournament, But She's Killing It #gaming #tech #kotaku #tilematchingvideogames #tilematchingvideogame #activisionblizzard #puzzlevideogames #candycrushsaga #facebookgames #entertainers #videogaming #errynrhoden #candycrush #musicians #microsoft #scrabble #twitter #sports #rhoden #candy #crush #xane #king
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #tilematchingvideogames #tilematchingvideogame #ActivisionBlizzard #puzzlevideogames #candycrushsaga #facebookgames #entertainers #videogaming #errynrhoden #candycrush #musicians #microsoft #scrabble #Twitter #sports #rhoden #candy #crush #xane #king
Ten years in the making, I finally reached level 5000 🍪🍩🍭🍫🍬
#candycrush #candycrushsaga #inapppurchases
Kotaku: The 12 Best Games On The iPhone #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #guillermodeltoro #puzzlevideogames #leagueoflegends #candycrushsaga #martinscorsese #stardewvalley #browsergames #windowsgames #ericschulkin #nobuouematsu #hearthstone #videogaming #zackzwiezen #ericbarone #johnwalker #cassiopeia #videogames #software #benbrode #appstore #nintendo #iphone #kotaku #wisely #threes #ipad #ps3 #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #guillermodeltoro #puzzlevideogames #leagueoflegends #candycrushsaga #martinscorsese #stardewvalley #browsergames #windowsgames #ericschulkin #NobuoUematsu #hearthstone #videogaming #zackzwiezen #ericbarone #johnwalker #cassiopeia #videogames #software #benbrode #appstore #nintendo #iPhone #wisely #threes #ipad #ps3 #rpg
Zo gisteren #CandyCrushSaga op mijn telefoon gezet. Nu net eraf gegooid. Te verslavend! Kost me slaap en dan kan ik direct wel byebye zeggen tegen #goeievoornemens (zoals genoeg slaap)
#candycrushsaga #goeievoornemens
#CandyCrushSaga is NOT “relaxing”. It’s a serious, high-stakes game of luck and skill that’s literally harder to beat than chess grandmasters and AI supercomputers. 🤨
Forget #Overwatch and #RocketLeague — you want REAL #ESports? I dare you to pass level 137 first try 👌😤💯
#esports #rocketleague #overwatch #candycrushsaga
Mastodon #iosappstore App beat #candycrushsaga ?! This is #epic.
#epic #candycrushsaga #iosappstore