Session just started. Cimbrianites Sound System taking the first round. Sound meeting. Get out here ! #SoundSystemCulture #SoundMeeting #Cimbrianites #MostHighWarriors #CandyFactorySoundSystem #CandyFactory #RootsAndCulture #Dub
See you at @bolsjefabrikken
#soundsystemculture #soundmeeting #cimbrianites #mosthighwarriors #candyfactorysoundsystem #candyfactory #rootsandculture #dub
after months of special guests ending with an amazing djurs dub fest last weekend we're really looking forward to a good old family style dubfabrikken, just Most High Warriors and @doktorlond in rotation on the @bolsjefabrikken sound system: #Dubfabrikken #CandyFactorySoundSystem #CandyFactory #Bolsjefabrikken #Dub #RootsAndCulture #Roots #Reggae #Copenhagen #MostHighWarriors #LiveDubMixing #LiveDub #SoundSystemCulture #SoundSystem #Denmark #Danmark
#dubfabrikken #candyfactorysoundsystem #candyfactory #bolsjefabrikken #dub #rootsandculture #Roots #reggae #copenhagen #mosthighwarriors #livedubmixing #livedub #soundsystemculture #soundsystem #denmark #danmark
this saturday it's all about live dub mixing when our very own @doktorlond meets our special guest dub accross borders - each will bring their own dub mixing studios and even mix each others tunes - powered by the candy factory sound system
#Dubfabrikken #Copenhagen #Dub #LiveDub #LiveDubMixing #CandyFactory #Bolsjefabrikken #RootsAndCulture #Roots #Reggae #Live #SoundSystem #SoundSystemCulture #DubAcrossBorders #MobileStudio #MostHighWarriors #CandyFactorySoundSystem
#dubfabrikken #copenhagen #dub #livedub #livedubmixing #candyfactory #bolsjefabrikken #rootsandculture #Roots #reggae #live #soundsystem #soundsystemculture #dubacrossborders #mobilestudio #mosthighwarriors #candyfactorysoundsystem
All Copenhagen massive. On December 29th we're doing a Xmas Dubfabrikken special featuring the #RockersArkSoundSystem. Gonna be some dub meeting style together with #MostHighWarriors on the in-house #CandyFactorySoundSystem. Half hour from each sound all night. Flyer soon come #CandyFactory #SoundMeeting #Dubwise #RootsAndCulture #Dubfabrikken #Dub #RootsReggae #Steppers #Kaboom
#rockersarksoundsystem #mosthighwarriors #candyfactorysoundsystem #candyfactory #soundmeeting #dubwise #rootsandculture #dubfabrikken #dub #rootsreggae #steppers #kaboom