I got this pretty sweet #CandyHaul from #Sweden.
#candyhaul #sweden #candy #haul
My latest #CandyHaul includes a large milk themed #gummy and some fascinating #cookies.
Got myself a quick #CandyHaul, which includes what appears to be a fake #KinderEgg.
#candyhaul #kinderegg #candy #asia
My latest #CandyHaul includes a #DurianChocolate bar that I’m frankly a little nervous about.
#candyhaul #durianchocolate #durian #candy #snacks
Another #CandyHaul, lots of #Japanese #treats here, but also a few treats from #Thailand too.
#candyhaul #japanese #treats #thailand #candy #travel
My latest #CandyHaul is fairly eclectic.
#candyhaul #manner #lays #nutella #kinder
My #CandyHaul from #Qatar (part 3 of my candy haul from my recent #MiddleEast trip) has some interesting treats I picked up in a souq that have no packaging and will likely be an episode of #ChrisWhyWouldYouEatThat?!!
#candyhaul #qatar #middleeast #chriswhywouldyoueatthat #candy #snacks #travel
Part 2 of my #Omani #CandyHaul is very #PotatoChip focused, at least one of these I can guarantee is made locally.
#omani #candyhaul #potatochip #candy #snacks #chips #oman #travel
Part 1 of #Omani #CandyHaul includes (strangely) a lot of #GalaxyBars, some #cardamon gum and something called #FishCrackers.
#omani #candyhaul #galaxybars #cardamon #fishcrackers #candy #oman #travel #middleeast
Spending some time in the #MiddleEast and here’s my #CandyHaul so far. Don’t know how much is exclusive to the Middle East, but it appears that all of it is made here. More to come as I discover more #treats.
#middleeast #candyhaul #treats #candy #snacks #travel #oman