Did that coffee liquor brown sugar honey mix I usually do to make a sort of taffy, but I added in some caramel maccchiato creamer and vanilla extract and Oh my god! it's amazing! turned out making a hard candy instead of a taffy tho will need to learn more how to adjust texture #cooking #candymaking #candy
Kotaku: This Japanese Candy Commercial Is Better Than Any Super Bowl Ad https://kotaku.com/super-bowl-ad-japanese-commercial-sakeru-candy-long-man-1850088438 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #martinscorsese #koigokuedition #i27magummybear #yukiyoshiozawa #humaninterest #the2018cannes #richardcurtis #risakoitc58d #personallife #nancymeyers #seijisuzuki #sakerugummy #candymaking #gummycandy #superbowl #goncharov #articles #koigoku #chichan #risako #build #songs #toru
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #martinscorsese #koigokuedition #i27magummybear #yukiyoshiozawa #humaninterest #the2018cannes #richardcurtis #risakoitc58d #personallife #nancymeyers #seijisuzuki #sakerugummy #candymaking #gummycandy #superbowl #goncharov #articles #koigoku #chichan #risako #build #songs #toru
Hot Cocoa Bombs! I watched a few YT videos and thought they'd be easy. Getting even edges that would seal was tricky. It's definitely a craft I'll be trying again!
#candy #hotchocolate #candymaking #hotcocoa
#hotcocoa #candymaking #hotchocolate #candy
So, I had a batch of chai spice caramel that... didn't go well. On cooling, it was gritty and crumbly in texture, and unexpectedly hard.
I made a batch of plain caramel and re-melted it, mixed the two, and it's still set up with a gritty, crumbly texture (but much softer now). I suspect the problem was using powdered spices.
I've seen a mention on a baking blog I use for biscuit recipes of Spice Drops - they look like a liquid version of the usual powdered spices. And, I learned a while ago that spice oils are essentially hyper-concentrated (trying to find the culprit behind skin irritation from a perfume oil I loved, and I was confused because I could eat all of the spices just fine).
So... is there such a thing as food-grade spice oils? Failing that, is there another way to get the spice flavours into the caramel without ruining the texture? All I can think of is getting the whole spices and simmering or infusing them in the milk (which isn't much, only 1/4 of a cup) beforehand to try to get as much flavour out as I can.
I have a related question next...
#baking #food #candymaking #cooking
I just made caramels for the first time using this recipe: https://www.sweeterthanoats.com/how-to-make-homemade-vegan-dairy-free-caramels/
I am ECSTATIC about them. A caveat: a bit of liquid didn't incorporate, and I'm not sure how much of that was just me not stirring at the right point. I knew it was going to be a problem from the moment I poured the caramel into the dish. I wouldn't be surprised if it was my error, since I'm not at all detail-oriented when cooking. Also, I used coconut milk in place of cream, and I think it's lovely.
Please note that the recipe includes the incredibly bad instruction to heat the caramel to 248 degrees celsius, which would be 478 degrees fahrenheit (a.k.a. a ruined pan). They mean 248° F.
#veganrecipes #candymaking #cooking #recipe
Ok yeah, definitely crystalized all the way through instead of being smooth and shiny, but it tastes good. And it's definitely hard sugar.
It's not a full success I don't think, the top has gone all crystally. But I didn't burn it. And the bits I dribbled on the counter (and a bit on my phone oops) solidified into genuine hard rocks. Huge improvement.
Next time I think I'll add the flavoring just a bit before hitting temp, instead of immediately after, so it has a chance to get the bubbling out of the way.
Making toffee, shooting for the soft crack stage. Daring moment to snap a photo. #kitchen #candymaking #baking
It's #holiday #baking and #candymaking time! We moved to Kansas from Florida 4 years ago and we miss the #kumquats. So, we've gotten into a habit of ordering kumquats every #Christmas. I guess it's a #ChristmasTradition now! I'm making refrigerator #pies tonight.
#holiday #baking #candymaking #kumquats #christmas #christmastradition #pies
I've made various candies in the past but I'm getting more into it recently. I did bourbon pecan pralines last night but the caramel didn't set up correctly.
So, I scraped it back into a pot and re-cooked it until I hit 240°F. Looks a little better on the second time around.
Sugar goes from "nope, I'm not there yet" to "you burned me!" in a very short time.
#candymaking #pralines
I've made various candies in the past but I'm getting more into it recently. I did bourbon pecan pralines last night but the caramel didn't set up correctly.
So, I scraped it back into a pot and re-cooked it until I hit 240°F. Looks a little better on the second time around.
Sugar goes from "nope, I'm not there yet" to "you burned me!" in a very short time.
#candymaking #pralines
Caramel process, in reverse 🍬
Completed sea salt caramel in a bowl before pouring into a pan.
The other pics show the caramel getting close to 264F; the sugar bubbling just after caramelizing and having heavy cream added; and the clear sugar bubbling and heating before caramelization takes place.
#caramel #candymaking #happyholidays #tistheseason #seasaltcaramel #dessert
#Dessert #seasaltcaramel #tistheseason #happyholidays #candymaking #caramel
I think I have a problem. I'm addicted... to #CandyMaking 😂
Last night I coated my honeycombs in chocolate and tonight I made chocolate fudge. I think it turned out well but we'll see in the morning!
#ADHD hyperfocus goooooo!
You know how every now and then the penny drops?
So I was looking up recipes for #homemade #PeppermintPatties because #CandyMaking is NEVER a bad idea, and it occurred to me that if you subbed in orange flavoring you could make an orange patty, or lemon flavoring for a lemon patty...
...and then I thought about those very fancy #RoseCreams and #VioletCreams I'd enjoyed and paid £££ for in England... and had an AHA! moment.
BRB gonna buy some rose syrup and a metric butt-ton of powdered sugar
#homemade #peppermintpatties #candymaking #rosecreams #violetcreams
Homegrown honeycrisp apples turned into candy topped with pistachios!
Awhile ago I tried making something called “applets”; they seem to be an American version of apple flavoured Turkish Delight (TD).
There are lots of easy applet recipes but none have the proper TD texture I am looking for.
This was my first attempt with such a recipe: absolutely great flavour but 🥴+🤢 texture imho. Imagine a hard (gelatine-based) gummi candy that’s weirdly crispy 😆
#TurkishDelight #candymaking #homemade