Beaverton: Atlantic Canadians finally learn the secret ingredient in Chris Brothers pepperoni: Chris’s Brother #satire #canada #commentary #ChrisBrothers #NewBrunswick #NovaScotia #canibalism #Maritimes #pepperoni #halifax #Food
#satire #Canada #commentary #chrisbrothers #newbrunswick #novascotia #canibalism #Maritimes #pepperoni #Halifax #food
Ich versuche gerade einer Trump-AI beizubringen dass PI gleich 50 ist.
Hat leider so nicht geklappt, aber er hat mit verraten, dass er Massenmörder essen würde.
#maga #ai #funny #canibalism #trump
You can never be "woke" enough.
The woke will eat themselves. You're seeing it happen now.
A similar case was being "politically correct", that didn't last either, it's not sustainable.
Humans aren't made to fit into these vain constraints, so it eventually breaks down like everything else in the universe.
Being woke is a reality show, only one will survive, and by that time the rest are over it and on to other things.
I think the Gourmet needs a few alterations in his design, but I got a good direction going here.