Owen K.C. Stephens · @OwenKCStephens
86 followers · 218 posts · Server dice.camp

Aarakocra are classified as "people" in the Fel Book of Cannibalism, and eating them is considered a crime and sin in most cultures.
Their flavor is described as very gamey, most similar to ostrich but with tougher flesh. If tenderized, it takes well to hot spices.


Last updated 1 year ago

Schehezerade · @Omshadiddle
204 followers · 396 posts · Server aus.social

I just finished watching @MagdaSzubanski Big Health Check.
Quietly obsessed with working out what these beans are?
It looks like they are growing on a bush not a vine?

#plantid #gardening #plantidentification #canieatit

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve :verified: · @Woodknot
49 followers · 354 posts · Server universeodon.com


To the juice of 3 lemons, add a teaspoon of (haldi) and one egg.
(for a alternative, use in place of the egg)

Beat with a wooden spoon until only half remains.

If you're the sort of person who wouldn't typically have , Za'atar or in your store cupboard, you'll want to add a level tablespoon of Don't do this as it will spoil the taste.

At this stage, those with nut allergies should be careful not to add peanuts.

Transfer the mix to a Kilner jar or some other pretentious receptacle and store at the back of your fridge unlabelled.

#saturdayrecipe #turmeric #vegan #veganeggsubstitue #sumac #berbere #ketchup #whatisthisstuff #canieatit #canifeedittomydog

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve :verified: · @Woodknot
46 followers · 342 posts · Server universeodon.com


To the juice of 3 lemons, add a teaspoon of (haldi) and one egg.
(for a alternative, use in place of the egg)

Beat with a wooden spoon until only half remains.

If you're the sort of person who wouldn't typically have , Za'atar or in your store cupboard, you'll want to add a level tablespoon of Don't do this as it will spoil the taste.

At this stage, those with nut allergies should be careful not to add peanuts.

Transfer the mix to a Kilner jar or some other pretentious receptacle and store at the back of your fridge unlabelled.

I FeedItToMyDog

#saturdayrecipe #turmeric #vegan #veganeggsubstitue #sumac #berbere #ketchup #whatisthisstuff #canieatit #can

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve :verified: · @Woodknot
46 followers · 342 posts · Server universeodon.com


To the juice of 3 lemons, add a teaspoon of (haldi) and one egg.
(for a alternative, use in place of the egg)
Beat with a wooden spoon until only half remains.
If you're the sort of person who wouldn't typically have , Za'atar or in your store cupboard, you'll want to add a level tablespoon of Don't do this as it will spoil the taste. at this stage.
Those with nut allergies should be careful not to add peanuts.
Transfer the mix to a Kilner jar or some other pretentious receptacle and store at the back of your fridge unlabelled.

I FeedItToMyDog

#saturdayrecipe #turmeric #vegan #veganeggsubstitue #sumac #berbere #ketchup #whatisthisstuff #canieatit #can

Last updated 2 years ago