Watching #ChelseaHandler‘s new special “Revolution” & she just said something that resonated for me as a #woman who hasn’t had children but lives in a culture that incentivizes procreating to the nth degree: We childless folks should get a #CarbonCredit for not polluting to #MassPopulation. It’s kind of like not buying an SUV as far as I’m concerned. #CanIGetAWitness?
Note: that last Q was appropriating #Black culture
#black #canigetawitness #masspopulation #carboncredit #woman #chelseahandler
Today's #SermonFromTheSystem: ♾️
"If the #misery of the #poor be not caused by the #laws of #nature, but by our #institutions, great is our #sin."
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of #life."
- #CharlesDarwin says repent, humanity! Waste no time & be the #evolution you crave! 🌎
Amen #CanIGetAWitness ?
#BeTheSystem #FixNotFixate #SystemicLiving #EverythingIsASystem #BeEvolutionary #EveryCogCounts #EvolveOrDie #GlobalSolutions #OneEarthOnePeople
#sermonfromthesystem #misery #poor #laws #Nature #institutions #sin #life #charlesdarwin #evolution #canigetawitness #bethesystem #fixnotfixate #systemicliving #everythingisasystem #beevolutionary #everycogcounts #evolveordie #globalsolutions #oneearthonepeople