Hi #canmedlibs in particular but all #medlibs too
New section/series in BMJ on the Canadian pandemic response: https://www.bmj.com/canada-covid-series
Interested in the replies you receive. My partner just found #Obsidian and loves it, but hasn't used it in an academic setting yet.
@academicchatter or @phdstudents may have something to contribute here as well. @librarians have you heard anything from your people about this? #medlibs #canmedlibs #librarians
#obsidian #medlibs #canmedlibs #librarians
Apparently I missed a lot on vacation when I was away from screens. Welcome new #medlibs and #canmedlibs ! It's good to have you here. @medlibs
Anyone experienced with the WHO's #systematicreview bid system and open to chat? A faculty member asked our SR Service to collaborate on two bids they are submitting and I have some questions about the process.
#medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #systematicreviews
#SystematicReview #medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #SystematicReviews
When wanting to include non-English publications in the final results of your #systematicreview , do you adjust the search to account for this? Does it depend on the topic/what's out there?
#medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #systematicreviews
#SystematicReview #medlibs #ukmedlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs #SystematicReviews
Started the 2023 work year with a meeting where a clinician genuinely and consistently emphasized the value that my expertise will bring to the department, in front of a medical resident. I'm taking this as a positive outlook for the year.
#medlibs #canmedlibs #sysrevlibs
Hey, Mastodonners. Thought I’d pop in here & check out the latest greatest. Any other #health #librarians? #libraries #canmedlibs #medlibs
#health #librarians #libraries #canmedlibs #medlibs