60% of Floridians back legalizing recreational marijuana. Poll finds youngest people aren’t the biggest supporters.
#SunSentinel #FloridaMarijuana #RecreationalMarijuana #PublicOpinion #CannabisLegalization #YoungVoters #Politics #News
#sunsentinel #floridamarijuana #recreationalmarijuana #publicopinion #cannabislegalization #youngvoters #politics #news
"Following the adoption of a motion at our Party Conference in 2017, the Labour Party supports the principle of legislation for the legalisation of cannabis for recreational and medicinal use in Ireland."
#AodhánÓRíordáin, Justice Spokesperson, Irish Labour party
#aodhanoriordain #ireland #druglawreform #cannabislegalization
Biden’s marijuana review process recommends DEA move weed to Schedule III: The recommendation is the result of a yearlong review initiated by the president.
#Politico #BidenMarijuanaReview #DEAScheduleIII #CannabisLegalization #DrugClassification #PresidentialReview #Politics #News
#politico #bidenmarijuanareview #deascheduleiii #cannabislegalization #drugclassification #presidentialreview #politics #news
Minnesota residents wrestle with public pot smoking after #CannabisLegalization
Germans stage rally demanding legalization of cannabis
#cannabislegalization #Germany #Berlin #medicalmarijuana #Bundestag
#bundestag #medicalmarijuana #berlin #Germany #cannabislegalization
Good news from #Montana, where pro-freedom forces are prevailing against the backlash to #CannabisLegalization, while putting in place measures to protect local operators from #MSOs and #BigBud. My latest for Cannabis Now Magazine. https://cannabisnow.com/montana-cannabis-law-reform-backlash/
#montana #cannabislegalization #msos #bigbud
Thailand cannabis industry braces for legalization reversal
#cannabislegalization #marijuana #cannabis #thailand #asia
Minnesota Governor Vows to Legalize Marijuana: “I Trust Adults to Make Their Own Decisions”
#NewRepublic #MinnesotaMarijuanaLegalization #GovernorWalz #AdultsMakeOwnDecisions #CannabisLegalization #MinnesotaPolitics #Politics #News
#newrepublic #minnesotamarijuanalegalization #governorwalz #adultsmakeowndecisions #cannabislegalization #MinnesotaPolitics #politics #news
Minnesota bill legalizing recreational pot passes Senate, heads to governor's desk | AP News https://apnews.com/article/marijuana-legalization-recreational-minnesota-cannabis-31a77e46389fe3ed0472ddff672cf22f #Minnesota #Marijuana #CannabisLegalization
#minnesota #marijuana #cannabislegalization
Just heard some unbelievable news out of New Zealand. They're officially legalizing cannabis for recreational use. This is a huge milestone for the country #CannabisLegalization #NZ #Creativity
#cannabislegalization #nz #creativity
2023: The year ahead in German culture and society
#Germany #2023 #culture #cannabislegalization #dualcitizenship #society #transgender #diversity #anti-discrimination #Berlin
#berlin #anti #diversity #transgender #society #dualcitizenship #cannabislegalization #culture #Germany
Global News BC: Summerland, B.C. cannabis shop up for sale two years after opening https://globalnews.ca/news/9398776/summerland-cannabis-shop-for-sale/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Marijuanalegalization #cannabislegalization #Cannabisretailers #cannabisretail #RetailCannabis #Legalcannabis #southokanagan #PHCannabisCo #summerland #Marijuana #Cannabis #Health #Weed #CBD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #marijuanalegalization #cannabislegalization #cannabisretailers #cannabisretail #retailcannabis #legalcannabis #southokanagan #phcannabisco #summerland #marijuana #cannabis #health #weed #cbd
State Erases Nearly 44,000 Cannabis Convictions, While Clean Slate Awaits Many
Author: Hugh McQuaid
#CriminalJustice #400pMonday #cannabislegalization #cleanslate #garywinfield #NedLamont
#criminaljustice #400pmonday #cannabislegalization #cleanslate #garywinfield #nedlamont
Caroline Janvier députée Renaissance, quand elle était petite, le Dieu Jah s'est penché sur son berceau ☮
#cannabis #marijuana #canabismedical #cannabislegalization
#cannabislegalization #canabismedical #marijuana #cannabis
Diving into this amazing resource over the next few weeks 🤓 This book is simply amazing 🙌 For all questions related to the Cannabis Act in 🇨🇦 , there is an answer in here ⤵️
More info here: https://bit.ly/3EQkBBu
Webinar here: https://bit.ly/3ERH9lq
#drugpolicy #cannabis #cannabislegalization #legalization #cannabisact
#drugpolicy #cannabis #cannabislegalization #legalization #cannabisact