Wie Hanf heilen hilft https://wp.me/p36Ae-10fm Die Inhaltsstoffe des Cannabis-Hanfs – darunter vor allem Cannabidiol (CBD) – wirken auf doppelte Weise entzündungshemmend.neue Therapiechancen für entzündliche Erkrankungen eröffnen. #cannabissativa #Gesund
Hello Everyone! I just recently migrated my m.o account here! Im 47 years old, white, cisgendered, and since August 7th, 2022, fallen in love with our favorite plant, #CannabisSativa. Looking to explore more with this miracle medicine and be a better human being in the process.
There are many paths open to me, I started in recreational #cannabis with #edibles mostly. I never knew any of this, the knock-on health effects, the endless list of benefits from this plant.
What I think shocks me the most about #cannabis is that every human cell has CB1 and CB2 receptors on the cell surface. These are receptors for our endocannabinoid system to use, but the receptors also work for phytocannabinoids too.
This is the reason why I elevate #CannabisSativa to such a lofty+
#cannabissativa #edibles #cannabis
:feelshigh: :rollit: :Grind: #weed #WeedMob #cannabis #high #cannabislife #cannabisindica #indica #stoned #stoner #social #ganja #420 #dope #smoke #cannabisgrowers #cannabiscommunity #cannabissativa
#social #indica #cannabislife #stoner #cannabisgrowers #weed #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #high #ganja #stoned #smoke #dope #cannabissativa #weedmob #cannabisindica
+ and that's how I started my love affair with this wonder plant. #CannabisSativa. Since the start, I've explored many edibles, tinctures, drinks, and I have also bought for myself a Pax dry-herb vaporizer, which vaporizes the cannabis for inhilation without combustion.
My first strain that I ever vaped was Electric Peanut Butter Cookies from Peninsula Gardens, a Michigan grower. Then after that, I bought some Cotton Candy Kush, which I'm currently enjoying these days. +