Now listening to @poltheoryother : Why capitalism is not 'an economy' with Nancy Fraser
"Nancy Fraser joins PTO to talk about her new book, 'Cannibal Capitalism: How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet—and What We Can Do About It'. In the book, Nancy argues that we need to move away from seeing capitalism solely in economic terms, and instead reckon with how capital is always reliant on cannibalising the non-economic, from the natural environment to providers of care and social reproduction, and from the political sphere to racialised populations subject to brutal expropriation outside of the wage system."
#capitalism #labor #labour #Marx #expropriation #exploitation #intersectionality #solidarity #racism #CannibalCapitalism #books
#capitalism #labor #labour #marx #expropriation #exploitation #intersectionality #solidarity #racism #cannibalcapitalism #books
#ClimateDiary reading #CannibalCapitalism at the end of one of those weeks where i am really feeling it - capitalism eating everything. Devasting climate news, dismay over the inadequacy of political responses by inept people in the pockets of industry. Many extra hours of commuting due to crumbling infrastructures; real, stressful fears for the future of our department (Universities crumbling too). Endless, overwhelming work, never even remotely coping, whilst still completely neglecting 1/2
#ClimateDiary #cannibalcapitalism
@cstross @breadandcircuses i am reading Nancy Fraser’s extraordinaarily good #Cannibalcapitalism just now and yes, Greta is 💯 right
Eignet sich vorzüglich als Weltenbau-Lektüre/Recherche.
#ProgressivePhantastik #GroßraumPhantastik
#NancyFraser: »Der Allesfresser. Wie der Kapitalismus seine eigenen Grundlagen verschlingt« (#CannibalCapitalism. How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet – and What We Can Do about It; 2022 / Dt. 2023).
Esoterisches Gedöns von mir.
#ProgressivePhantastik #GroßraumPhantastik #NancyFraser #cannibalcapitalism
Nancy Fraser schreibt in #CannibalCapitalism, dass wir in der Demokratie-Krise unter anderem diese Frage stellen müssen: „How will we allocate our time among work and leisure, family life, politics, and civil society?“