Thread in my Head
My seemingly random posts are a thread in my head. 1840s. 1. Portrait has a scar tree! 2. Other scar tree painting is a canoe tree at Moorundie (below Blanchetown). 3. A parallel sketch does not show this canoe tree. 4. Is there other artistic or photographic evidence of this particular canoe tree (or was artistic licence taken)? 5. Finding, mapping and dating Moorunde images. 6. 1845 sketch found with either wrong title, date or artist (because he was elsewhere at the time). 8. Brain needs a rest.
Not sure I have enough firm data for good mapping.
To be continued…
#S_T_Gill #1840s #CanoeTree
Large gum trees with two large canoe scars. (Waikerie, South Australia, 1914)
Date and location reference: Aboriginal bark canoes of the Murray Valley / [by] Robert Edwards (p.39)
#ThickTrunkTuesday #CanoeTree #ScarTree #Waikerie #MurrayRiver
#thicktrunktuesday #canoetree #scartree #waikerie #murrayriver