🌈 ☯️Teresita🐧👭 · @linuxgal
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WindowsGuy: is a false . XVI never truly resigned.

LinuxGal: By the 1983 Benedict resigned of his own free will and was duly elected.

"If it happens that the Roman resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation be made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone."

WindowsGuy: There are several problems with Benedict's resignation under Canon Law. His resignation was invalid or at least partial.

LinuxGal: What problems?


LinuxGal: When do you hold the to elect the replacement Pope?


#bergoglio #pope #benedict #canonlaw #francis #pontiff #conclave

Last updated 2 years ago

was forbidden from saying mass for "disobedience," but is there so much as a shred of evidence that he would ever disobey an order from Mother Church?

Fr. Pavone addresses all that and more in today's homily! Watch his full mass here:

#frankpavone #catholic #catholicism #canonlaw

Last updated 2 years ago