#PierrePoilievre says he's going to "ax the #tax" on #gasoline, to lower the price at the pump. What he doesn't say is that his #oil-industry friends will raise the resulting price, pocketing even MORE #profit. Nice, huh?
#CONservatives #fuel
#CANpol #CANpoli
#pierrepoilievre #tax #gasoline #oil #profit #conservativesaretheproblem #conservatives #fuel #canpol #canpoli
#PierrePoilievre says he's going to "ax the #tax" on #gasoline, to lower the price at the pump. What he doesn't say is that his #oil-industry friends will raise the resulting price, pocketing even MORE #profit. Nice, huh?
#CONservatives #fuel
#CANpol #CANpoli
#pierrepoilievre #tax #gasoline #oil #profit #conservativesaretheproblem #conservatives #fuel #peepeeisactuallyalittleshit #canpol #canpoli
"There’s also simple self-interest in the equation, of course. Seniors are used to being pandered to, not because they’re especially hard done by: in the first quarter of this year, Statistics Canada pegged their average household net worth at $1.1 million, 40 per cent of which is real estate. But because they vote. Poilievre, in contrast, has been almost shockingly frank that solving the housing crisis means houses will change hands for less money."
#pierrepoilievre #canpol #cdnpoli
We expect older voters to be more conservative, and younger ones less. But #PierrePoilievre is less popular among older voters. Why?
"[T]he more likely your first impression of Poilievre was that of a deliberately insufferable Boy MP back in the mid-2000s — the twentysomething attack-dog dubbed “Skippy” by John Baird for his irrepressible, say-anything partisan enthusiasm — the less likely you might be to think of him as prime ministerial."
#pierrepoilievre #nationalpost #canpol
Ça serait peut-être temps pour le gouvernement du #Canada de s'occuper aussi de ce réseau social avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. #c18 #gafam #canpol
L’année où LinkedIn est devenu « cool »
Terry Moore rückt nach auskuriertem Mittelhandbruch wieder in die Startelf. #CANPOL #Mexico1986
Remove the profit motive behind essential human needs, like food, shelter, and healthcare. :ms_fist_clw_r2: :ms_fist_clw_r2:
#communism #communist #socialism #socialist #abpol #abpoli #canpol #canpoli
#communism #communist #socialism #socialist #abpol #abpoli #canpol #canpoli
It is outrageous that the City of Montreal is not restoring the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald. If there had been a petition, a study, a legitimate process *prior* to removing the statue, that would be one thing. But in this case a mob has imposed its will, and then the City has acquiesced to the act of vandalism.
#SirJohnAMacsonald #statue #Montréal #vandalism
#CanPol #cdnpoli
#sirjohnamacsonald #statue #montreal #vandalism #canpol #cdnpoli
@martinsettle What are some recent examples of Canadian ministers resigning in disgrace?
I remember #JeanCharest resigning from cabinet in 1990 because he had phoned a judge about a case. But surely there are more recent examples...
"That same [Government of Canada] report touts how Starbucks replaced plastic straws in 2019 with specialized “strawless” lids, but fails to note that the new lids actually contain more plastic than the prior cup/straw combo."
Stainless steel straws seem to be the way to go. Or maybe just sip from the cup?
#environment #canpol #cdnpoli #starbucks #nationalpost
"That same [Government of Canada] report touts how Starbucks replaced plastic straws in 2019 with specialized “strawless” lids, but fails to note that the new lids actually contain more plastic than the prior cup/straw combo."
#environment #canpol #cdnpoli #starbucks #nationalpost
"The estimates, while early, appear to support Meta's contention that news holds little value for the company as it remains locked in a tense standoff in Canada over a new law requiring internet giants to pay publishers for the news articles shared on their platforms."
#meta #facebook #canpol #cdnpoli #reuters
More broadly, insofar as there is a Liberal philosophy of how to interpret the law, a Liberal government *ought* to appoint judges who share that philosophy, and lawyers who believe in that philosophy would be expected to donate to the Liberals more than to other parties. The person mentioned in the article whom I know has been a genuine Liberal for thirty years, not just in order to gain something.
Of those who donated, 76% of appointees gave to the Liberals, but the article doesn't say how that compares with when the Tories were in power — I wouldn't be surprised if even then most donors were Liberal donors, given the typical politics of Canadian lawyers. So the idea that unqualified lawyers are buying their way to the bench is not really supported by the facts.
Exclusive report reveals Liberals appoint judges who donate to party
The article reveals that the #Liberals are more likely to appoint Liberal-donor lawyers to the judiciary than are the #Tories. But when you read the details, 82% of lawyers appointed haven't donated to a federal party at all.
#liberals #tories #canpol #cdnpoli #nationalpost
Eugenics: The time when Canada wanted to sterilize disabled people
Widely supported at the time by progressives, opposed by the Catholic Church...
As we move into the #Gattaca age of reproduction, I wonder if the word "eugenics" will be rehabilitated, or if we'll call it something else?
#gattaca #eugenics #canpol #nationalpost
"The party of “freedom,” as Poilievre styles the modern Conservatives, cannot and will not find common cause with a movement that believes firmly in laws about what language you can speak and what religious symbols you can wear. Erin O’Toole and Scheer pandered as hard as they possibly could to the Quebec nationalist set and got nothing for it."
Quebec and RoC conservatives have common enemies, not values
#canpol #cdnpoli #polqc #nationalpost