Just nu på Airspace World i Genève. Debatt och diskussion runt ökad inkludering och mångfald i vår bransch.
@AirspaceWorld @CANSONews
#CANSO #AirspaceWorld #ShapingourFutureSkies https://nitter.net/luftfartsverket/status/1633459659339358211#m
#canso #airspaceworld #shapingourfutureskies
Idag samlas ledarna inom vår bransch i Genève för CANSO Executive Summit. En dag fylld av debatt, diskussion och insikt. Vilken kompetens, teknik och innovation krävs inom vårt framtida luftrum?
@AirspaceWorld @CANSONews #CANSO #ShapingourFutureSkies #ATM #AirTrafficManagement https://nitter.net/luftfartsverket/status/1633117087521468416#m
#canso #shapingourfutureskies #atm #airtrafficmanagement
Anyone tracing #Genealogy in #NovaScotia?
I'm 4 days into marathon #research, uncovering a lot of unintentional information, from #PassengerLists .
Often, similar names are on the same page, if you'd like me to watch for your names?
Some of mine include
#Cashman #Mason #McCarthy #Zinck
#Immigration from #Cork #Ireland #KleinHeubach settling in areas such as #Halifax #Lunenburg #Tangier #Annapolis #SheetHarbour #PortDufferin #Canso
I'm going on with my search.
#genealogy #novascotia #research #passengerlists #cashman #mason #McCarthy #zinck #immigration #cork #ireland #kleinheubach #Halifax #lunenburg #tangier #Annapolis #sheetharbour #portdufferin #canso
On the birdsite, there's a discussion of work songs going on -- so I broke out my Chanson De Toile bit on women's handwork in the Middle Ages. The song "Bele Aiglentine" teaches well:
There's a transl in Jameson 2021, & it matches nicely to Jane Burns' chapter, "Love's Stitches Undone: Women's Work in the chanson de toile." Courtly Love Undressed: Reading Through Clothes in Medieval French Culture (UPenn2002), pp. 88-118.
#worksongs #medieval #ChansonDeToile #canso
#worksongs #medieval #chansondetoile #canso