I love making lists. It's a thing.
I've just finished setting up my autumn TBR, with a little bit of everything: spooky books, cosy mysteries and romance.
I also have autumn Film and TV lists.
It's a thing 😏
#AutumnIsComing #CantComeSoonEnough #TBR #Reading #Booklist #Bibliophile #Goodreads
#goodreads #bibliophile #booklist #reading #tbr #cantcomesoonenough #autumniscoming
On this #Arrestmas Day, a question for the ages — when if EVER will #Rethuglicans turn their scaly unwashed backs on the short fingered vulgarian?!
Donald Trump’s legal woes force another moment of choosing for the GOP (Chicago Tribune)
#arrestmas #rethuglicans #cantcomesoonenough
Public consultation on Sandyford Clonskeagh to Charlemont Street Pedestrian & Cyclist Improvement Scheme (SC2C) - Closes 28 Feb 2023
#Cycling #Ranelagh #SouthDublin #ActiveTravel #ClimateAction #Resilience #CantComeSoonEnough
#cycling #ranelagh #southdublin #activetravel #climateaction #resilience #cantcomesoonenough