Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1031 followers · 9887 posts · Server masto.ai

Today celebrates the day of socal equality; the day of Minna Canth (yes, the pronunciation is very close to cunt).

Here's one quotation from her writings, located on a bench in a park named after her in the city of . Translation:

"Long live the men with intelligence. The stupid ones may prefereably die."

That's the of many of the Finnish ladies for you, dear rest of the world!

#finland #kuopio #attitude #socialequality #equality #tasaarvo #minnacanth #canth #suomi #finlande #finnland

Last updated 2 years ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
758 followers · 1122 posts · Server masto.ai

Radiossa kertoivat äsken, että tänään on . On siis jälleen aika tämän klassikon.

Koko syrämestäni toivotan hyvää miestenpäivää kaikille hyville miehille!

Today is the .

Hailing from , author, journalist, social activist (b. 1844 d. 1897)

"Long live the men with intelligence. The stupid ones may preferably die."

#miestenpaiva #internationalmensday #finland #minnacanth #mensday #canth #mies #miehet #man #men #manner #homme #hommes

Last updated 2 years ago