Remember the #cantillionaires have their own #privateDoctor, who is already #compromised.
Do you?
#stayGrounded #airTravel #getLocal #travelByTrain #qualityOverQuantity #qualityTravelNow
#privateDoctor #compromised #staygrounded #airTravel #getLocal #travelByTrain #qualityOverQuantity #qualityTravelNow #cantillionaires
There can be no #fairTrade when one side can effectively just #printMoney for itself.
#fairtrade #printMoney #cantillionaires #cantilloneffect #whyBitcoin #neofeudalism
That'd be right.
Kind of like in the US recently, with $1.4TRILLION going to the #cantillionaires and $200 billion going to #the99Percent.
The beatings will continue.
#cantillionaires #the99Percent #moneyPrinterGoBrr #trickleDownEconomics #whyBitcoin
We need to destroy the #corporateWelfare #cantillionaires.
Prison for #gentrifiers also. Anyone that has invested in the #construction of a #highrise since March 2020, needs to go directly to jail.
They can do a #WarOnDrugs. We say its time for a #WarOnOverdevelopers is needed.
#corporatewelfare #cantillionaires #gentrifiers #construction #highrise #warondrugs #WarOnOverdevelopers
Predicting recessions is now about predicting when you think the govt think the people think they've had enough.
Its about how much #inequality the people will tolerate.
#inequality #basta #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #cantillionaires
Govt can't confiscate #bitcoin. They do however imprison (possibly kill) #bitcoiners. However doing so will lead to the brightest and the best being taken out of #society. And would severly damage the #humanRace.
A viable option for the #policymakers, no doubt.
#cantillionaires #moneyPrinterGoBrr #paraMilitary #privateMilitary #MenWithGuns #CIA #jeffreyEpsteinClass #govtCrimes #JulianAssange #FreeAssange #JohnMcAfee #USDwars #LegacyMedia #forcedNews #FauxDemocracy
#bitcoin #bitcoiners #society #humanRace #policymakers #cantillionaires #moneyPrinterGoBrr #paramilitary #privateMilitary #menwithguns #cia #jeffreyEpsteinClass #govtCrimes #julianassange #freeassange #johnmcafee #USDwars #legacymedia #forcedNews #FauxDemocracy
Who are the real #pirates?
This is one of **the most** important #questions of our time. Thanks for raising this and great #prose/#poem!
#piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantillonEffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #antiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
#pirates #questions #prose #piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantilloneffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #AntiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
RT @gschaadt
I don't always agree with @stuntpope but this one is bang-on perfect! #cantillionaires