There are words that relay the extreme gravity of a crime. Words like 'rape', 'murder', 'incest' and 'extortion' all have a visceral sense of how bad an act is.
If only we could determine a word like that for '#moneyPrinters'.
Words '#theft' and '#slaver' are too weak. The term '#humanTrafficking' is not bad but has other meanings.
If 'usury' is for loanSharks — how about '#abusery'?
Or something named after the #CantillonEffect — like '#tillony'?
#wordsmithing #moneyPrinters #theft #slaver #humantrafficking #abusery #cantilloneffect #tillony #bitcoin
> Otherwise they have to go through gatekeepers
Large institutions yes. Smaller ones, maybe? Everyone should learn basics, and get an appreciation of where they sit on the Threat Spectrum. Also, UI/UX is improving.
> constitutes a feedback loop (…) If you want to fight money in politics (…) you've got to fight capitalism.
Bitcoin breaks the worst #feedbackLoops. Also takes some power out of large cities. See also #CantillonEffect. Running a full node is resistance.
#feedbackloops #cantilloneffect
Nice to see another person on the same page as us!
Indeed the centralization of currency creation and severing from a hard currency like gold has lead to a plethora of problems. Inequality due to #cantillonEffect being one such pernicious element but in many ways both of the two world wars were financed by debt money.
The map of perceived corruption, is correct only because it is labelled "perceived". There is so much #corruption and #financialCrimes, in western nations, but its covert.
#cantilloneffect #corruption #financialcrimes
The Existence Of Bitcoin Is A Political Paradox
#cantilloneffect #Politics #Opinion #Culture #Assange
#cantilloneffect #politics #opinion #culture #assange
That's apparently why antitrust/#monopoly caveats were (quickly?) added to the definition on #capitalism.
Western capitalism has failed really to do anything on #antitrust, the first time it did was with M$haft but we now know that was simply to introduce a second #astroturf to provide a veneer of #competition.
Amzn, Ggle and Cflare are especially heinous beneficiaries of the #moneyPrinter, and/or ever lower #interestRates.
Definately not a "#freeMarket".
See also #cantillonEffect.
#capitalism #antitrust #astroturf #competition #moneyPrinter #interestrates #freemarket #cantilloneffect
And for the #UnSmart there is the constant #hacking by the #Charity and #NonProfitIndustrialComplex.
#UnSmart #hacking #charity #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #cantilloneffect #banksters #virtueSignalling #UBINow
That proposal is effectively #trickleDownEconomics mixed with #priceFixing, it hasn't worked for 51 years. It entrenches #neoFeudalism via the #cantillonEffect.
Bitcoin is the hardest money ever discovered and hashing is a solemn duty to secure it from adversaries and saving our planet from #overConsumption. The militaryIndustrialComplex (#MICIMATT) is the ponzi literally burning the planet.
#trickleDownEconomics #pricefixing #neofeudalism #cantilloneffect #overconsumption #MICIMATT
Taxes are not how the worst in our system is paid for. If you think that see your own advice.
They print that money into existance hoping people won't realise they are being undercut.
Bitcoin makes it impossible to do this.
Bitcoin makes the #workingClass important again, providing asymmetric advantage over their money. Those who've benefitted by being close to the money pump over the past 50 years (aka #CantillonEffect) will lose.
Bitcoin is saving our planet, in many ways.
#workingclass #cantilloneffect
Money laundering is half the story, when these things become legitimate they will replace govt landtitles and thus the #bankers will have completed their destruction of govts.
#howVeryKeynesian #growth #riggedEconomy #cantillonEffect #banksters #NFTOwningDemocracy #moneyPrinterGoDrr #moneyLaundering #kleptocrats #centralBanking #scamWatch #etheriumScam
@besserwisser @polychrome @piggo
#bankers #HowVeryKeynesian #growth #riggedeconomy #cantilloneffect #banksters #NFTOwningDemocracy #moneyPrinterGoDrr #moneylaundering #kleptocrats #centralBanking #Scamwatch #etheriumScam
NFT and ETH are not hugely important in our view. But #bitcoin is. If you are an environmentalist and are against #endlessGrowth, can we suggest a video?
Search for "Bitcoin vs political power" by a person called Stephan. Its not long.
Then come back and we can discuss more if you like.
The ppl you work with might simply be willfully ignorant because they get first dibs on #moneyPrinting, dubbed the #cantillonEffect.
If you're passionate about peace and sustainability check that video.
#endlessGrowth #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #bitcoin
Reminder there is no form of #fascism that involves talking about #populationGrowth.
Fascism is when they say the answer to population growth is a "efficient" melding of govt and #bigBusiness to streamline #forcedLabour and other forms of #authoritarian-style #slavery, eg. #debtBondage.
Thanks for understanding.
#bankerCrimes #cantillonEffect #CBDC #centralBankDigitalSlavery
#fascism #populationGrowth #bigBusiness #forcedlabour #authoritarian #slavery #debtBondage #bankerCrimes #cantilloneffect #cbdc #centralBankDigitalSlavery
More of what appear to be convenient #falseFlag attacks to #extendAndPretend in #Afghanistan.
It seems the #USA know how to deal with #airports (as they currently exist), but only when they belong to countries that they are one day away from evacuting from after 20 years of getting trilllions in #freeMoney to do what is effectively nothing but commit #warCrimes and line pockets of #militaryContractors.
#Kabul #kabulAirport #boondoggle #raytheon #lockheedMartin #micimatt #cantillonEffect
#falseflag #extendAndPretend #afghanistan #usa #airports #freeMoney #warcrimes #militaryContractors #kabul #kabulairport #boondoggle #Raytheon #LockheedMartin #MICIMATT #cantilloneffect
Antifa are a shadow of what they were, the corporateState are keeping them indocrinated with issues of #identityPolitics. They've become a #usefulIdiots, a #distraction.
They know nothing about #financialApartied, and #cantillonEffect, if you ask them at random.
They are not actually left, ie. representing the #workingClass on #mainStreet.
They've become puppets of power and #BigTech.
#antifa #identitypolitics #UsefulIdiots #distraction #financialApartied #cantilloneffect #workingclass #mainstreet #bigtech
In other news, it seems senior executives at #HSBC knew everything #Huawei was doing.
If it was such an evil thing maybe the #USA will use their global network to #arrest and #detain those #bankers?
Transnational criminals, like many such bankers build trust by travelling constanting, so we're sure they will love being detained for years, as Huawei's CFO has been in #Canada.
#fiveEyes #NATO #China #sinophobia #bitcoin #Iran #lobbyists #politicalDonors #cantillonEffect #interestRateApartied
#hsbc #huawei #usa #arrest #detain #bankers #canada #fiveeyes #nato #china #sinophobia #bitcoin #iran #lobbyists #politicalDonors #cantilloneffect #InterestRateApartied
There's a bit too much hyperbole in this one. There's some bright sparks like highlighting how #WarrenBuffet isn't a good person, but he contradicts himself by taking Buffet's advice (just one example).
A lot of arguments are 2014-ly, or not based on things bitcoiners actually say or do.
He neglects the elephant in the room, the #cantillonEffect, #speculation and the numerous flow on #abuses and -'ve effects of #TheFed papacy.
He talks up a #CBCD (aka #CentralBankDigitalCurrency) so…
#warrenbuffet #cantilloneffect #speculation #abuses #thefed #CBCD #CentralBankDigitalCurrency
If we can use #PeoplePower to stop bankers from holding football (#soccer) hostage, we can do the same to #FreeAssange from the their clutches.
#protest #football #bankers #bankerCrimes #warCrimes #inequality #cantillonEffect #bitcoin
#peoplepower #soccer #freeassange #FreeJournalistAssange #protest #football #bankers #bankerCrimes #warcrimes #inequality #cantilloneffect #bitcoin
Did #Cloudflare ever pay websites to use them?
#bigData #losingMoney #freeMoney #moneyPrinting #moneyPrinterGoBrr #moneyLosers #monopoly #wallStreetAbuses #cantillonEffect #moneyLaundering #CIA #nsa #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyEpstein #weAreTheProduct
#cloudflare #bigdata #losingMoney #freeMoney #moneyPrinting #moneyPrinterGoBrr #moneyLosers #monopoly #wallStreetAbuses #cantilloneffect #moneylaundering #cia #nsa #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyepstein #weAreTheProduct
The #wars were *much smaller* and *much less frequent*, because govt needed to raise #taxes to fund them. Taxation is vastly unpopular and thus the wars were far less prevalent (and far less popularised by media).
We cannot compare the last 108 years to past ages.
Game's over.
#fiatCurrency #inflationIsTheft #silentTheft #inflation #worldWars #thirdWorldisation #regimeChange #fiatWorldWars #WWI #WWII #goldStandard #bankerLedWorldWars #bankerCrimes #cantillonEffect
#wars #taxes #fiatCurrency #inflationIsTheft #silentTheft #inflation #worldwars #thirdworldisation #regimechange #fiatWorldWars #WWI #wwii #goldstandard #bankerLedWorldWars #bankerCrimes #cantilloneffect
Nope. Bitcoin levels the playing field. Fiat is and always has been a way to extract from working class people. New system ends the #CantillonEffect and #Cronyism embedded in #CentralBanking.
The smaller banks would be doing #service, mining the Layer 2, which cannot be fudged either and earning, like bitcoin. The only difference is the ledger is bigger, mining pool is randomly reduced etc. Yes people are working on this.
These banks would not create loans/debt as they do today…1/2
#cantilloneffect #cronyism #centralBanking #service
Unfettered #capitalism for the winners and #bailouts and protections when the #wellConnected, overlords of the #corporateState fail.
We like to think that we are slowly turning the ship around but when we look around people are still terrified of where #BigTech and govt are going.
Most seem to grasp for any #brioche (read: trinkets) thrown at them.
Meanwhile the #onePercent are having a veritable shoppingSpree.
#socialismForTheRich #freeMoney #cantillonEffect #assetInflation
#capitalism #bailouts #wellConnected #corporateState #bigtech #brioche #onePercent #socialismfortherich #freeMoney #cantilloneffect #assetinflation