The Riemann Hypothesis, explained.
Popularized in the Academy Award-winning movie A Beautiful Mind, the Nash equilibrium is a solution concept for n-person games.
"The Nash equilibrium, explained" by Jørgen Veisdal 👉 🔗
#NashEquilibrium #Nash #GameTheory #BeautifulMind #JohnNash #Mathematics #CantorsParadise
#cantorsparadise #mathematics #johnnash #beautifulmind #gametheory #nash #NashEquilibrium
“Cavalieri’s Principle: Calculus of the Ancient Times” by Barry Leung ⚡, Calculus before the Giants of Newton and Leibniz 👉 🔗
#CavalieriPrinciple #Cavalieri #Calculus #AncientTimes #CantorsParadise #Newton #Leibniz #OldCalculus
#oldcalculus #leibniz #newton #cantorsparadise #ancienttimes #calculus #cavalieri #cavalieriprinciple
"How to differentiate parameters under the integral sign — It’s a certain operation. It turns out that’s not taught very much in the universities; they don’t emphasize it." Richard Feynman's integral trick 👉 🔗
#Differentiation #IntegralSign #FeynmanTrick #RichardFeynman #CantorsParadise #Calculus #Engineering #AppliedMaths #Mathematics #Analysis #IntegralCalculus #IntegralTrick #Parameters #AdvancedCalculus
#advancedcalculus #parameters #integraltrick #integralcalculus #analysis #mathematics #appliedmaths #engineering #calculus #cantorsparadise #richardfeynman #feynmantrick #integralsign #differentiation
How could adding positive integers equal a negative fraction?🤔 🔗
Ramanujan's summation: \(1+2+3+\cdots=-\dfrac{1}{12}\)
#RamanujanSummation #Ramanujan #Summation #CantorsParadise #InfiniteSum #NaturalNumbers #NegativeFraction #Fraction #NegativeNumber
#negativenumber #fraction #negativefraction #naturalnumbers #infinitesum #cantorsparadise #summation #ramanujan #ramanujansummation
How could adding positive integers equal a negative fraction?🤔🔗\
Ramanujan's summation:
#RamanujanSummation #Ramanujan #Summation #CantorsParadise #InfiniteSum #NaturalNumbers #NegativeFraction #Fraction #NegativeNumber
#negativenumber #fraction #negativefraction #naturalnumbers #infinitesum #cantorsparadise #summation #ramanujan #ramanujansummation
The Riemann hypothesis, explained by Jørgen Veisdal: 🔗
\[\zeta(s)=0;\ s\notin2\mathbb{Z}^-\implies\Re(s)=\dfrac{1}{2}\]
#RiemannHypothesis #Riemann #Hypothesis #Atiyah #NumberTheory #Conjecture #AnalyticNumberTheory #Mathematics #CantorsParadise #OpenProblem #UnsolvedProblem #PrimeNumber #RiemannZetaFunction #ZetaFunction #NonTrivialZero #LogarithmicIntegral #XiFunction #PrimeNumberTheorem #PrimeNumberDistribution #PrimeCountingFunction #GammaFunction
#gammafunction #primecountingfunction #primenumberdistribution #primenumbertheorem #xifunction #logarithmicintegral #nontrivialzero #zetafunction #riemannzetafunction #primenumber #unsolvedproblem #openproblem #cantorsparadise #mathematics #analyticnumbertheory #conjecture #numbertheory #atiyah #hypothesis #riemann #riemannhypothesis
von Neumann’s letter has it all: a discussion of the theory of spectra of Hermitian operators, inquiries about spin-geometries and not least of all, gossip. Lots of gossips. 🔗
#vonNeumann #JoohnvonNeumann #CantorsParadise #Hermitian #HermitianOperator #SelectedLetters #HermitianOperators #Neumann #MathHistory #Mathematics #MathsHistory
#MathsHistory #mathematics #mathhistory #Neumann #hermitianoperators #selectedletters #hermitianoperator #hermitian #cantorsparadise #joohnvonneumann #vonneumann
von Neumann’s letter has it all: a discussion of the theory of spectra of Hermitian operators, inquiries about spin-geometries and not least of all, gossip. Lots of gossips. 🔗
#vonNeumann #JoohnvonNeumann #CantorsParadise #Hermitian #HermitianOperator #SelectedLetters #HermitianOperators #Neumann #MathHistory #Mathematics #MathsHistory
#MathsHistory #mathematics #mathhistory #Neumann #hermitianoperators #selectedletters #hermitianoperator #hermitian #cantorsparadise #joohnvonneumann #vonneumann
"Fermat’s Last Theorem: The Problem That Defied the Greatest Minds" by Rahul Bhujel
#LastTheorem #Fermat #NumberTheory #AndrewWiles #GreatestMinds #CantorsParadise #Mathematics
#mathematics #cantorsparadise #greatestminds #andrewwiles #numbertheory #fermat #lasttheorem