#nowplaying PWEI - Can U Dig It?
I wonder if anyone remembers Clint Mansell's old outfit.😆
#canudigit #pwei #vinyl #nowplaying
This #cassette kept me awake/alive driving my old Honda Accord through the pitch black night between Scranton and Newburgh back in ‘89 or ‘90. I hope to never drive that stretch of road again.
#cassettes #cassetteheaven #PopWillEatItself #PWEI #CanUDigIt?
Pop Will Eat Itself, This Is The Day…This Is The Hour…This Is This! (RCA, 1989)
Def Con One
Can U Dig It?
Sixteen Different Flavors of Hell
#cassette #cassettes #cassetteheaven #popwilleatitself #pwei #canudigit