A large, fluffy blanket and some pillows have been spread over a sofa. At the top by the pillows, three fluffy kitten heads, one black, one brown, and one pure white, poke up and rest in a row upon the pillows. #Canvaswords
A tiny, all gray cat lays in a sunbeam, letting out small purrs every few seconds. #meowstodon #canvaswords
An all black kitten peeks its head out of a blanket nest, meowing loudly before disappearing again. #meowstodon #canvaswords
An extremely small all white kitten pops up and lets out a soft warm purr. #meowstodon #cats #canvaswords
#meowstodon #cats #canvaswords
A cloud of snowflakes hover in midair, shot through with reflective mid afternoon sunlight. #canvaswords
A bedraggled ball of multi-color fluff rolls through the area, quickly finding a corner to curl up in before beginning to let out alternating purrs, churs and ethereal chimes. #canvaswords
A shimmering cascade of melodic feathers fall from the sky which bend to whatever scale you can think of, emotional expresssion in musical form. #CanvasWords -- Altheda/Lillianna/Arden
A sweeping cascade of chiming icicles choruses through the air. They captivate and blanket listeners in serene winter silence. A full moon slides from behind gray clouds, it's brilliance shining off the singing sirens of Boreas's winds.
-- Altheda/Lillianna
A grove of pines is viewed from above, a carpet of displaced needles hiding the ground below. The scents of pine and cinnamon can be detected if one breathes in here. #canvaswords
A point of light temporarily resolves into a multi-faceted glowing sphere, before dissolving into liquid light and dispersing on the darkness of the void. #void #canvaswords #meta
void that stretches, wide, yawning ... endless by nature, without beginning ... points of light blink in the distance, tiny dots this high ... or maybe it's this low ... some of them move, but eventually blink out ... steady above endless awning abyss ... #canvaswords #meta
Tiny metallic teardrops hover in the air in the center of a grove of pines, each one letting out a chime in a different key while twirling in midair. #canvaswords
tiny crystalline cubes, each a different color, stacked in precise pyramids across the floor of a completely white room. #canvaswords
A dodecahedral crystalline object which fits in the hand, each face a different color, each face a mirror reflecting the other faces in different shades and reflections. Infinite, slanted reflections roam about across the surfaces ... many atop each other, swirling and coming together different. #canvaswords
silky feather, long and wide, tiny infinite strands along it, each a different shade of time. #feathers #canvaswords
An all gray cat stands on her hind legs, paws resting on the edge of a bed as she meows loudly at a person who is unseen. #cats #canvaswords
A tiny brown puppy lies on a blanket in a room carpeted in blue, paws stuck up in the air and little tail wagging. #canvaswords
Blue sky with a mid day sun high up among puffy white clouds can be seen. Small birds fly across the sky, seeming to be in no great rush. #canvaswords
In other news, we got woken up by the all gray cat from some of our #cats and #canvaswords post, today she was put on top of the bed and just therily curled up and started purring so we'd pet her. Today on the agenda, figure out an appropriate way to record an intro for the podcast, maybe this time not mumble in such a way that we can barely be heard above our background music. part of the system is still afraid that our mother will be about to screec about not sharing your private life.