Watching #CANvAUS now.
I'm emotional for all of the #CANXNT players I follow, but also for all of the Tillies I follow, and once again, watching #NWSL and #ALeagueWomen and #BarclaysWSL and #UWCL footy over the years has made me a fan of SO many of these players.
Whewww. & imagine Hayley Raso and Linda Caicedo playing together at Real Madrid this year!! Dang. #WWC2023 @wwc
PS Bev Priestman still wins best dressed at the WWC. 🔥🔥🔥
#canvaus #canxnt #nwsl #aleaguewomen #barclayswsl #uwcl #WWC2023
RT @DARBYMagazine: INSIDE ISSUE 3 – Janine Beckie: A rose among thorns
@JanineBeckie talks about the fight for equality, her media career, taking a leadership role with #CanXNT and more
Words: @KetsiaNkumbu
Photos: @shuttersworth_
Last day to Pre-order!:
Also, arriving today, my #CanMNT jersey and #CanXNT scarf that I picked ordered at clearance prices from Footlocker.
Notably, I changed my jersey size down from XL to L from the last time I ordered a jersey. Fits pretty good, and I may even be able to fit into a medium (but it'd probably be tight around my arms). That's a clear way to mark my #fitness progress...
@HarJournalist sent the tweet - RT by @EqualizerSoccer: “Canada Soccer treats the women’s game like an afterthought.”
Sophie Schmidt.
@HarJournalist sent the tweet - RT by @EqualizerSoccer: There it is, Christine Sinclair mentions how money coming in for the CSB is going to help fund the CPL, a men’s league, that’s not going to help women.
It’s not equal.
@HarJournalist sent the tweet - RT by @EqualizerSoccer: “I think it’s gotten worse for the youth.”
Sophie Schmidt on the difference from when she was coming up as a youth player.
@HarJournalist sent the tweet - RT by @EqualizerSoccer: Christine Sinclair just said that Canada Soccer interim president Charmaine Crooks has yet to reach out to the players since taking over for Bontis.
First action was the press release that was dropped.
#USWNT #CanWNT #CanXNT #USAvCAN #SheBelievesCup
There wasn't going to be any result tonight that made me completely happy. I want so much more for the Canadians I love.
But it's nice to have another win for the USWNT.
#uswnt #CANWNT #canxnt #usavcan #SheBelievesCup
I was already one my way out, but this is absolute garbage from *any* website, let alone a social media platform authenticated front page. #twitter
Can't wait to reach critical mass for Canadian soccer on #mastodon
#CanMNT #canxnt #canwnt #VWFC #Southsiders #TSSRovers #Swanguardians #canpl
#twitter #mastodon #canmnt #canxnt #canwnt #vwfc #southsiders #tssrovers #swanguardians #canpl
Julia Grosso rocking the TSS Rovers kit during the 2018 WPSL season. #CanXNT #CanWNT #TSSRovers #WomensSoccer
#tbt #canxnt #canwnt #tssrovers #womenssoccer
So excited about this news!
Christine Sinclair, Diana Matheson reveal pro Canadian women's soccer league set for kickoff in 2025 | CBC Sports
The women forged the path 👏👏
RT @Sid_Seixeiro
Quick reminder that while we celebrate Canada's men's program our women's program has been to eight FIFA World Cups and won Olympic gold and have set the international soccer tone in this country for quite some time.
#introduction Hi there! 👋 I am interested in how community organizations can leverage #data, tech and tech criticism for #socialJustice and how data and tech contribute to the marginalization of communities. Through my work at a community organizarion I have developed an interest in #evaluation for social change. I lived in #Switzerland for the first 4 decades of my #queer life and have been in #Montreal for the last one. I love #football aka #soccer (#bscyb, #canxnt, #BAONPDX) and #dogs.
#introduction #data #socialjustice #evaluation #switzerland #queer #montreal #football #soccer #bscyb #canxnt #baonpdx #dogs