@Trojaner @carl
Nur ist gut . das hatte nur ziemlich starke Auswirkungen auf ganz viele Leute und ist halt auch nur outgesourced-ter raub-kapitalismus . schau mal #mst in Brasilien und Drohungen der usa, wenn jemand ihr gm-zeug nicht kauft.
Weltmarktpreis #caocao aka Lieferkette mit Sklavenarbeit. Alles wird akzeptiert in USA und bei den verbündeten.
Solche Praktiken müssten #verbot en werden.
#dollar regime . #bankrupt Investing in death and sorrow
Ist all
#mst #caocao #verbot #dollar #bankrupt
Kotaku: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty: The Kotaku Review https://kotaku.com/wo-long-fallen-dynasty-review-ps5-soulslike-nioh-sekiro-1850176726 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #masakiyamagiwa #creativeworks #windowsgames #rachelclank #videogaming #bloodborne #videogames #zhangliang #handynasty #zhangfei #paradise #wolong #liubei #elixir #guanyu #caocao #souls #sunce #lubu #tony #nioh
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #masakiyamagiwa #creativeworks #windowsgames #rachelclank #videogaming #Bloodborne #videogames #zhangliang #handynasty #zhangfei #paradise #wolong #liubei #elixir #guanyu #caocao #souls #sunce #lubu #tony #nioh
I just found a reference I've been looking for for over two years! It exists!! 🎉
Somewhere, out there, was either a mistranslation or an ambiguous one from the Sanguo Zhi that implied that #CaoCao was a vegetarian. This led to this 'fact' regularly popping up on social media but I could never find the original source that started the whole thing, and the complete lack of references to this on the Chinese-speaking internet made me think it was some kind of fan (mis)translation, now lost. 1/3
Kotaku: New Soulslike Game Is A Solid Marriage Between Nioh And Sekiro https://kotaku.com/wo-long-fallen-dynasty-demo-preview-team-ninja-nioh-1850008864 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sekiro3ashadowsdietwice #creativeworks #windowsgames #fromsoftware #videogaming #bloodborne #videogames #caocao #liubei #souls #nioh #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sekiro3ashadowsdietwice #creativeworks #windowsgames #FromSoftware #videogaming #Bloodborne #videogames #caocao #liubei #souls #nioh #rpg