CapaCalc is a software application that calculates the electrical #capacitance of a variety of conductor arrangements, even in unusual geometry. It is written in #ObjectPascal with the #FreePascal and the #LazarusIDE.
#capacitance #objectpascal #freepascal #lazaruside
Do you use a water sensor for soil?
Are you playing with these sensors?
Get yourself educated!
#TDR, #FDR, #capacitance, #resistance: A comparison of common soil moisture sensing methods, their pros and cons, and their applications.
#soil #soilmoisture #soilmoisturesensor
#sensor #watersensor #moisturesensor
#lorawan #arduino #hobbyfarm
#TDR #fdr #capacitance #resistance #soil #soilmoisture #soilmoisturesensor #sensor #watersensor #moisturesensor #lorawan #arduino #hobbyfarm #metergroup