A United Launch Alliance #ULA #AtlasV #rocket lifts up over the #dune at the #beach of Cape Canaveral National Seashore CCNS, at Playalinda Beach, where it meats Kennedy Space Center #KSC property.
The newly-built Crew Access Tower at SLC-41 is visible in front of the flame column.
#UnitedLaunchAlliance, #Atlas, #AtlasRocket, #KennedySpaceCenter #PlayalindaBeach, #CapeCanaveralNationalSeashore, #rocketlaunch, #Florida, #Photograph, #Photo, Photography.
#ula #atlasv #rocket #Dune #beach #ksc #unitedlaunchalliance #atlas #atlasrocket #kennedyspacecenter #playalindabeach #capecanaveralnationalseashore #rocketlaunch #florida #photograph #photo
A #photograph of a red-winged #blackbird, sitting on a tall branch in the scrub land around Cape Canaveral National Seashore, seeming to survey they area.
#redwingedblackbird, #MINWR, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #CapeCanaveralNationalSeashore, #CCNS, #bird.
#photograph #blackbird #redwingedblackbird #minwr #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #capecanaveralnationalseashore #ccns #bird