Sometimes you make something and it just calls for fangs. Such was the case with this fancy little capelet I threw together with some wool and velvet remnants I had lying around. I also used it as a chance to add some trimmings like soutash and fringe.
#vampires #fangs #capelet #historicalcostuming #historicalfashion #historybounding #wool #vampire #sewing #sewingproject #handmade
#handmade #sewingproject #sewing #Vampire #wool #historybounding #historicalfashion #historicalcostuming #capelet #fangs #vampires
Sometimes you make something and it just calls for fangs. Such was the case with this fancy little capelet I threw together with some wool and velvet remnants I had lying around. I also used it as a chance to add some trimmings like soutash and fringe.
#vampires #fangs #capelet #historicalcostuming #historicalfashion #historybounding #wool #vampire #sewing #sewingproject #handmade
#handmade #sewingproject #sewing #Vampire #wool #historybounding #historicalfashion #historicalcostuming #capelet #fangs #vampires