Clare Venney · @ClareVenney
155 followers · 27 posts · Server

Our study on epigenetic differences between beach-spawning and demersal is available online at @journal_evo

Co-led by Hugo Cayuela and I, with @clairemerot @eric_normandeau @YannDorant and others not on Mastodon

Please feel free to reach out for a PDF if you can't access it (like me!)

#capelin #DNAmethylation #lifehistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Jones · @rlcj
206 followers · 130 posts · Server

I’m writing an article on the use of raw as around the north . Focusing on the Gulf of St Lawrence in where I have lots of official stats of fish caught for this purpose. Lots of eye-witness accounts too. But I’m after , etc. Does anyone know of any, espec. for the peninsula? Any pointers gratefully received.

#herring #capelin #Canada #aghist #envhist #gaspe #diaries #accounts #farm #nineteenthCentury #coast #atlantic #manure #fish

Last updated 2 years ago