Japan Defeats Cape Verde, Secures Qualification for the Paris Olympics | J9 Highlights | #FIBAWC #02.09.2023 #Basketball #BasketballVideos #CapeVerde #CapeVerde(CPV) #CPV #fiba #FIBABasketballWorldCup #FIBABasketballWorldCup2023 #highlights #Japan #Japan(JPN) #JPN #JPNVCPV02.09.2023
#fibawc #basketball #basketballvideos #capeverde #cpv #fiba #fibabasketballworldcup #fibabasketballworldcup2023 #highlights #japan #jpn #jpnvcpv02 Venezuela – Kap Verde, Highlights mit Live-Kommentar | FIBA Basketball-WM 2023 | MAGENTA SPORT #Basketball #BasketballVideos #BasketballWm #CapeVerde #fiba #FIBABASKETBALLWM #highlights #KapVerde #venezuela #VenezuelaVs.CapeVerde #wm
#basketball #basketballvideos #basketballwm #capeverde #fiba #fibabasketballwm #highlights #kapverde #venezuela #venezuelavs #wm
TheGuardian: Cape Verde boat survivors say some jumped out to try to reach land #CapeVerde #Worldnews #Refugees #Senegal #Africa #Europe #Spain
#capeverde #worldnews #refugees #senegal #africa #europe #spain
TheGuardian: Cape Verde boat disaster: vessel drifted for month after alarm raised, says NGO #Migration #CapeVerde #Refugees #Senegal #Africa #Europe #Spain
#migration #capeverde #refugees #senegal #africa #europe #spain
TheGuardian: Cape Verde boat disaster: vessel drifted for month after alarm raised, says NGO #Migration #CapeVerde #Refugees #Senegal #Africa #Europe #Spain
#migration #capeverde #refugees #senegal #africa #europe #spain
TheGuardian: Cape Verde boat disaster: vessel drifted for month after alarm raised, says NGO #Migration #CapeVerde #Refugees #Senegal #Africa #Europe #Spain
#migration #capeverde #refugees #senegal #africa #europe #spain
TheGuardian: Cape Verde boat disaster: vessel drifted for month after alarm raised, says NGO #Migration #CapeVerde #Refugees #Senegal #Africa #Europe #Spain
#migration #capeverde #refugees #senegal #africa #europe #spain
TheGuardian: Cape Verde boat disaster: vessel drifted for month after alarm raised, says NGO #Migration #CapeVerde #Refugees #Senegal #Africa #Europe #Spain
#migration #capeverde #refugees #senegal #africa #europe #spain
Cape Verde: More than 60 migrants feared dead in boat disaster
#migration #Senegal #CapeVerde #InternationalOrganizationforMigration
#internationalorganizationformigration #capeverde #senegal #migration
TheGuardian: At least 63 people feared dead after boat found off Cape Verde #Migration #CapeVerde #Worldnews #Senegal #Africa #Spain
#migration #capeverde #worldnews #senegal #africa #spain
TheGuardian: At least 63 feared dead after boat capsizes off Cape Verde #Migration #CapeVerde #Worldnews #Senegal #Africa #Spain
#migration #capeverde #worldnews #senegal #africa #spain
Today, Cabo Verde celebrates 48 years of independence. 🇨🇻
The country's national drink, "grogue," is an effervescent spirit made from sugar cane with light grassy notes and a deep cultural history.
But small-scale artisanal production is being replaced by larger, regulated distilleries.
#News #caboverde #capeverde #liquor
📰 A série de crónicas e testemunhos "O Mundo de Amílcar Cabral", publicada pelo @Publico, terminou esta semana, com um texto de Miguel Cardina e Inês Nascimento Rodrigues acerca das "vidas póstumas" de #AmílcarCabral em #CaboVerde e na #GuinéBissau. 🇨🇻🇬🇼
A exposição que serviu de mote para esta série encerra já no dia 25 de Junho. Não percam!
#histodons #AntiColonialism #50Anos25Abril #25A50 #CapeVerde #GuineaBissau #HistoryInThePublicSphere
#amilcarcabral #caboverde #guinebissau #histodons #anticolonialism #50anos25abril #25A50 #capeverde #guineabissau #historyinthepublicsphere
Sugestão de serão / fim-de-semana:
Até 22 de Junho, não percam a oportunidade de visitar, gratuitamente, a exposição #AmílcarCabral, patente no Palácio Baldaya, em Benfica.
50 objectos (materiais e imateriais) ajudam-nos a conhecer melhor a vida e as "vidas póstumas" do líder do #PAIGC, 50 anos após o seu assassinato.
#50Anos25Abril #25A50 #histodons #AntiColonialism #LiberationWars #GuineaBissau #CapeVerde #HistoryInThePublicSphere
#amilcarcabral #paigc #50anos25abril #25A50 #histodons #anticolonialism #liberationwars #guineabissau #capeverde #historyinthepublicsphere
Portrait of a intellectually disabled man who works as a helping hand in the former prison camp on #Tarrafal (#CapeVerde) which has been build under the portuguese Salazar regime in 1936. Today its a memorial place.
#Fotografie, #fotos #fotografieren #KapVerde #Afrika #Africa #ndmagazine #portraitshoot #portrait #portraits_today #portraitsociety #portraitmode #Reisefotografie #reisefoto #reisefotos #travelphotography
#travelphotography #Reisefotos #reisefoto #Reisefotografie #portraitmode #portraitsociety #portraits_today #portrait #portraitshoot #ndmagazine #africa #afrika #KapVerde #fotografieren #fotos #fotografie #capeverde #tarrafal
#Spiritualität, #Esoterik, #Religion - es ist alles exakt das Gleiche:
Der Versuch, Bedeutung zu finden wo keine ist & das ängstlich/wehleidige Seufzen unbedeutender Kohlewasserstoffhaufen angesichts einer unerträglichen Weite des Universums.
"Da muss es doch noch mehr geben!!"
#Fotografie #Reisefotografie #reisefoto #reisefotos #travelphotography #travelphotooftheday #travelphotographers #Afrika #KapVerde #CapeVerde
#capeverde #KapVerde #afrika #travelphotographers #travelphotooftheday #travelphotography #Reisefotos #reisefoto #Reisefotografie #fotografie #religion #esoterik #spiritualitat
In the Middle of Nowhere 🏜
After seeing a mirage, Kobe and I decided which direction to go in the middle of nowhere. Subscribe for more videos like this. #desert #holiday #nowhere #family #kids #kidsvideos #funnykids #travel #capeverde #tui
#africa #capeverde #dad #desert #family #FunnyKid #holiday #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #Middleofnowhere #nowhere #travel #神戸
#desert #holiday #nowhere #family #kids #kidsvideos #funnykids #travel #capeverde #tui #africa #dad #funnykid #kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #middleofnowhere #神戸
Beaches and Jet Skis 🏖
While I went on a jet ski, Sandy and Kobe took a lovely walk on a beautiful beach in Santa Maria, Cape Verde. Subscribe to see more videos like this #jetski #beach #walk #mum #son #sandy #kobe #holiday #family #dad #travel #capeverde #santamaria #africa #island island
#africa #beach #capeverde #dad #family #holiday #jetski #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #Mum #sandy #SantaMaria #son #walk #神戸
#jetski #beach #walk #mum #son #sandy #kobe #holiday #family #dad #travel #capeverde #santamaria #africa #island #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #神戸
Your table awaits!
#CaboVerde #CapeVerde #KapVert #Sal #SantaMaria #Barracuda #Restaurant #BarracudaRestaurant #Wine #Bacchus #Cha #ChaFogo #Beach #Sand #Sea #Easter #Saturday #Palm #PalmTree
#CaboVerde #capeverde #kapvert #sal #santamaria #barracuda #restaurant #barracudarestaurant #wine #bacchus #cha #chafogo #beach #sand #sea #easter #saturday #palm #palmtree
Cabo Verde Airlines launches a campaign to choose the name of the next Boeing 737-8 Max. Name short listed are City Velha, Esperança and Morabeza. Voting is open for 7 days.
#CaboVerde #CapeVerde #KapVert #Africa #CaboVerdeAirlines #NomeDoAvião #VotaçãoPública #EscolhaSuaEscolha #Esperança #Morabeza #Boeing #737 #Boeing737 #Vote #Voting
#CaboVerde #capeverde #kapvert #Africa #caboverdeairlines #nomedoaviao #votacaopublica #escolhasuaescolha #esperanca #morabeza #boeing #boeing737 #vote #voting