"The junktanks are rightwing, pro-business lobby groups that act as intermediaries between oligarchic and corporate capital and public policy. Their role is to make the outrageous demands of economic power look like common sense; to conflate what is good for billionaires with what is good for everyone else."
Powerful words from George Monbiot on environment charities that prostrate themselves before Capital.
#rspb #bencaldicott #georgemonbiot #oligarchy #capital
Measuring what matters – human capital
When Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital 156 years ago, economists had a pretty good idea of what “capital” was – factories, ships, railroads, and other expensive equipment. If he were writing today, he would surely be paying far more attention to the distribution of human capital. #capital
É isto um Partido Socialista ou um Partido ANTI-SOCIALISTA e NEOLIBERAL? E depois ainda temos que aturar a conversa burguesóide da Iniciativa Liberal? E os autores do artigo até tentam disfarçar repetindo várias vezes que Portugal não foge à regra da OCDE. Terceiro lugar da lista e não foge à regra? Não fugir à regra era estar três lugares a menos ou a mais do que o meio da tabela. Agora como é que terceiro lugar da lista pode ser considerado como "não fugir à regra"? Jornalismo subserviente aos poderes instalados é o que é...
#Portugal #Neoliberalismo #Impostos #IRC #IRS #Desigualdade #Trabalho #Capital: "Portugal tem a terceira maior diferença da OCDE entre os impostos aplicados aos indivíduos que têm rendimentos de capitais e aqueles que recebem salários. Fiscalistas "culpam" altas taxas de IRS.
Quem tem rendimentos de capital beneficia, regra geral, de um enquadramento fiscal mais favorável do que quem recebe salários. Portugal não foge a essa tendência e é mesmo o terceiro país da OCDE onde a diferença de tratamento entre esses tipos de rendimentos é maior, isto é, onde o capital é mais favorecido em detrimento do trabalho. As altas taxas de IRS explicam esse cenário, dizem os fiscalistas ouvidos pelo ECO, que avisam que essa dinâmica pode estar a travar a melhoria dos salários.
“Os Governos aplicam quase sempre enquadramentos fiscais mais favoráveis aos indivíduos que têm rendimentos de capital do que aos que têm rendimentos de trabalho”, identifica a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE), numa nota recente dedicada a essa diferença e que olha em particular para os contribuintes com rendimentos mais elevados."
#portugal #neoliberalismo #impostos #IRC #irs #desigualdade #trabalho #capital
Bon, j'ai une question pour les bourdieusiens hardcore : pour les besoins d'un texte, je voudrais mobiliser le concept de capital guerrier (ou de capital agonistique, je sais pas encore) comme l'une des dimensions du capital culturel. Pour leurs auteurs, ce sont des capitaux à part entière. Moi j'ai du mal à voir en quoi, et pourquoi ça ne pourrait pas en être l'une des dimensions. Vous en pensez quoi?
#SHS #Sociologie #Bourdieu #Capital
#SHS #sociologie #bourdieu #capital
Do you know any #startup #founders who want to polish their #pitch? I'll be the emcee for this Founder Institute event next week where you can make your pitch and see how others do theirs. It's open to everyone.
https://www.linkedin.com/events/quickfirepitching-getinstantfee7100194921910824963/ #entrepreneur #investor #funding #capital
#startup #founders #pitch #entrepreneur #investor #funding #capital
The #environmental Kuznets curve in reverse might stand as a general #metaphor: since conditions for accessing cheap and disciplined #labour power tend to be bound up with expanding #BusinessAsUsual, comparatively high #carbon intensity and increased #transport, #capital will shoot its arrows upwards and backwards, towards the summit of #degradation.- Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise Of Steam Power and The Roots Of Global Warming. Verso 2016, page 410.
#environmental #metaphor #labour #businessasusual #carbon #transport #capital #degradation
Spanish #capital prepares for flooding
think about "the cost of switching to a different place"
The Problem With YIMBY Economics
from Seth Ackerman at #Jacobin
#speculation #housing #homes #property #monopoly #zoning #urbanization #capital #wealth #value #location #land “#density” #economics
One hundred percent worth the read, even if not for the #Boston mention
#jacobin #housing #monopoly #zoning #wealth #speculation #homes #property #urbanization #capital #value #location #land #density #economics #boston
Excess #capital remains the world's biggest problem. A reduction in the largest share of the supply of the developed #capitalist countries in the world market would mean stagnation, poverty, and would inevitably lead to a great surplus of capital and a great accumulation of unemployed workers.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#capital #capitalist #cpc #marxism #socialist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Capital 1 Travail 0 (score à la mi-temps)
"Les dividendes poursuivent leur ascension en France et dans le monde"
#capitalisme #économie #capital #travail #Macron
#capitalisme #economie #capital #travail #macron
Each “consumer” is, while a consumer, simultaneously a producer; a self-producer, producing him or herself through consuming social wealth produced by him or herself and others. The total process, consumption and production taken together, is the process named social reproduction.
The producers can be expected to struggle to make the means of production produce value for them within the production process itself and not merely at its end. That is, they will have demanded that the production process within which they daily live produce a value for them as a daily social life; that it become a process of gratifying social intercourse, self-development, and self-realization. It must “add value” to the use-value of their daily life.
#capital #anarchy #socialReproduction #socialUsevalue #economics
#capital #anarchy #SocialReproduction #socialUsevalue #economics
The more a man gives to God, the less he has left for himself. So,what is our God now? It's #money it's #wealth it's #capital .
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#money #wealth #capital #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
We must understand the essential connection between private #property greed, and the separation of #labor , #capital , and property, between exchange and #competition , between human #value and human depreciation, between #monopoly and competition, and between total #alienation and the #monetary system.
#CPC #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#property #labor #capital #competition #value #monopoly #alienation #monetary #cpc #maxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #max #communism #socialism
#capital #spending appears to be entering a new era focused more on intellectual property spending, which is currently benefiting from #AI boom and is also less #sensitive to interest rates than physical investment spending.
#capital #spending #AI #sensitive
#AI. The #Future of #Work: A #Prediction
In 10 years, 50-60% of all #Tech #jobs will be gone, along with 40-50% of all jobs without a physical component. In 20 years, most jobs without a physical component will be gone - docs, attorneys, managers, CEOs etc. In 30 years, all jobs will be #gone.
Those with #Capital will probably be ok. Those without? Well, that's the big question.
#ai #future #work #prediction #tech #jobs #gone #capital
“En la manufactura y en la artesanía, el trabajador usa una herramienta; en la fábrica, él sirve a la máquina [...] En [todos los tipos de producción capitalista” el trabajador no usa los instrumentos de trabajo, sino que los instrumentos de trabajo usan al trabajador. No obstante, es solo en la producción de maquinaria que esta inversión adquiere una realidad técnica y palpable”.
—Karl Marx, *El Capital*.
“Desde el punto de vista del patrón, las herramientas no están hechas para ser usadas por los trabajadores, sino que más bien los trabajadores están hechos para usar las herramientas”.
—Tim Ingold, *The Perception of the Environment*.
#socialismo #capital #trabajo #ia #capitalismo #marx
Journal Fakir @fakir
🐟 🐟 Le #capital raconté par… ma boîte de thon en conserve.
« On était battus qd la pêche n’était pas bonne, même quand on était malades » raconte Kyaw Moe Thu, originaire du Myanmar, vendu à une entreprise de pêche, prisonnier surveillé par des personnes armées.
Certains de ces bagnes flottants appartiennent à Thaï Union, qui fournit en thon les principaux distributeurs européens, dont la marque Petit Navire.