LLCC to host honey harvest demonstration Sept. 12
SPRINGFIELD — Dave Cox, Lincoln Land Community College professor of biology, and members of the Prairie State and Lincoln Land Beekeepers Associations will demonstrate the process of honey extraction from be
#CapitalAreaRegion #DaveCox #IllinoisNews #LincolnLandBeekeepersAssociation #LincolnLandCommunityCollege #PrairieStateBeekeepersAssociation
#capitalarearegion #davecox #illinoisnews #lincolnlandbeekeepersassociation #lincolnlandcommunitycollege #prairiestatebeekeepersassociation
Canadian wildfires cause Illinois air quality issues
SHELBYVILLE -- The National Weather Service in St. Louis and Lincoln issued air quality warnings earlier this week for most of Central Illinois.
The air quality issues are in relation to the ongoing wildfires in Canada
#CapitalAreaRegion #EastCentralIllinoisRegion #Illinois #Local #WeatherEvents #WestCentralIllinoisRegion #IllinoisNews
#capitalarearegion #eastcentralillinoisregion #illinois #local #weatherevents #westcentralillinoisregion #illinoisnews
Petersburg man charged with child pornography possession
Police have arrested a man from Petersburg on charges of possessing child pornography after a two-year investigation. Authorities said the man had i
#CapitalAreaRegion #Illinois #Local #WestCentralIllinoisRegion #AdamPower #AndrewHansen #AthensPoliceDepartment #childpornography #illinoisnews #InternetCrimesAgainstChildrenTaskForce
#capitalarearegion #illinois #local #westcentralillinoisregion #adampower #andrewhansen #athenspolicedepartment #childpornography #illinoisnews #internetcrimesagainstchildrentaskforce
Diesel technologies program gives students an opportunity for a new career
I’m convinced that there is something inside of people like me that makes us more curious than most about how things work. When I was asked to write about career opportunities in the diesel equipment industries and Lincoln Land Community College’s new diesel
#CapitalAreaRegion #Illinois #Local
#capitalarearegion #illinois #local
Lincoln Land holding its annual Lincoln Lecture Feb. 13
SPRINGFIELD – Lincoln Land Community College invites the public to its annual Lincoln Lecture Monday, Feb. 13.
“The Bunns and the Lincolns: A Family Friendship 1840-1882” will be presented by Bob Bunn at 9 a.m. in the Trutter Center on t
#CapitalAreaRegion #Illinois #Local #AbrahamLincoln #illinoisnews #LincolnLandCommunityCollege
#capitalarearegion #illinois #local #abrahamlincoln #illinoisnews #lincolnlandcommunitycollege