Vietnam War, bad idea in '55, like the China 'conflict' today:
#StrongmanCapitalism #DemocracyIsntProfitable #PetroOligarchsAreRICO #ExportingEmissions #AllJobsShouldBeUnionJobs #CapitalismIsKillingThePlanet
#strongmancapitalism #democracyisntprofitable #petrooligarchsarerico #exportingemissions #alljobsshouldbeunionjobs #capitalismiskillingtheplanet
“#Employers are operating with no consequence”: #Wagetheft was also a problem in the #healthcare industry ($28.4 million); #construction ($27.6 million); #janitorial services and #retail stores ($5.9 million each); and supermarkets and convenience stores ($5.8 million).
#CareEconomy #BetterWorld #AllJobsShouldBeUnionJobs
#CapitalismExploitsLabor #capitalismiskillingtheplanet
#employers #wagetheft #healthcare #construction #janitorial #retail #CareEconomy #betterworld #alljobsshouldbeunionjobs #capitalismexploitslabor #capitalismiskillingtheplanet
#NewWorldOrder: The #alternative to U.S. and #Western #imperialism is mostly #tyrannies- #CarbonAddicted #economies, hegemonic projects to stop #dissent at home- Patrick Bond.
#GreatGame #EastWestDuopoly #CapitalismIsKillingThePlanet #RaceToTheBottom #WarsForOil #PetroDollarCentricClimateChange
#newworldorder #alternative #western #imperialism #tyrannies #carbonaddicted #economies #dissent #greatgame #eastwestduopoly #capitalismiskillingtheplanet #racetothebottom #warsforoil #petrodollarcentricclimatechange
The #shared#bikes and EV #graveyards are a result of #unconstrained #capitalism,” Wu said. “The #waste of #resources, the #damage to the #environment, the vanishing #wealth, it’s a #natural consequence- Wu Guoyong
#shared #graveyards #unconstrained #capitalism #waste #resources #damage #environment #wealth #natural #capitalismiskillingtheplanet
No results without #Regulation: Among the report’s most significant findings is the growth and variety of #sealife, include #kelp, that has rebounded in the #MPAs, which were previously heavily #fished before being designated as #protectedareas and “no-take zones”.
#RestoreCarbonSinks #StopExtraction #CapitalismIsKillingThePlanet
#regulation #sealife #kelp #MPAs #fished #protectedareas #restorecarbonsinks #stopextraction #capitalismiskillingtheplanet
RT @pb4p: "Our Forest! Not For Sale!"
The message outside the Dáil today was loud and clear: Stop the Coillte / Vulture Fund sell off!
#saveourforests #saveourforestssaveourlands #capitalismiskillingtheplanet
#SaveOurForests #saveourforestssaveourlands #capitalismiskillingtheplanet