I used to get really into super bowl commercials, but the older I get the more I'm aware that they're just commercials selling products like I see all the fucking time and complain about all the time. Some are funny, but it's not like I won't see that same commercial one million more times on those streaming services I pay for but still have to watch commercials on. Hard to get excited about that. #CapitalismSux
Does the United Farm Workers union have a Mastodon account?
I saw over on that other sinking site they shared a thing where in California they're being tasked with trying to drain the vegetable fields that due to the huge storms have become waterlogged. Their plight is offensive considering what it is they do for us all.
It is the number one thing that grinds my gears about AmeriKKKa that this country treats those responsible for our nourishment like utter garbage.
They are way more important than any cop or soldier.
#labor #agriculture #capitalismsux
@radicaldreamers At least you’re in the black, treading water temporarily.
I find it amazing when ‘pubic intellectuals’ and rent boys…POLITICIANS!…tell us to work harder and longer.
If o ku they had whips, they’d see the serfdom they’ve create. And some seeds don’t seem to dislike it.
Visiting from Fosstodon.org, looking for a more local instance.
I’m about:
And more stuff, but this is a good start.
#votingrights #unions #tech #teachers #starwars #startek #socialjustice #SmartHome #sexpositive #RepresentationMatters #renewableenergy #religionsux #RankedChoiceVoting #psilocybin #oneworld #music #linux #humanism #geeks #foss #equity #diy #clonewars #capitalismsux #cannabis #artmatters #abortionrights #3dprinting
Starting a new journey into the wider ‘verse from here in 🇺🇸. I’m about:
And more stuff, but this is a good start.
Hit me up for discussions, debates, ideas, news, things we can all use. If you want to argue or fight, keep it moving.
#abortionrights #artmatters #cannabis #capitalismsux #equity #foss #humanism #linux #music #oneworld #psilocybin #rankedchoicevoting #religionsux #renewableenergy #representationmatters #sexpositive #socialjustice #teachers #unions #votingrights