The #Gospel is Anti-#capitalist! (On #God and #Mammon). Why resisting love of #money is central to #Christianity
#christianity #money #mammon #god #capitalist #gospel
Philosophers just interpret the world in different ways, the problem is to change the world.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
All social life is practical in nature. Whatever mysteries lead theory to mysticism can be reasonably resolved in human practice and in the understanding of this practice.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The essence of man is not an abstraction inherent in a single individual; in its reality, it is the sum of all social relations.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The conformity of the change of environment with the activity or self-change of man can only be seen and reasonably understood as the practice of revolution.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The environment is changed by people, and the educator himself must be educated.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Feuerbach regarded theoretical activity as real human activity, and did not understand human activity itself as objective activity. Nor does he understand the meaning of "revolutionary" and "practice-critical" activity.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Employers (minority) Vs employees (majority)
The social discourse regarding mitigating #ClimateChange is typically considered within the context of a #capitalist economy.
Why would corporations choose to do this or that? Why would consumers choose to buy the more expensive product? Why are employers, management, & shareholders, advocating more #growth of the most ecologically damaging & polluting business sectors (e.g., the aviation industry)
Why? Because they're capitalists!
#climatechange #capitalist #growth #psychology
New #NatWest boss worked for oil firm under investigation in ‘world’s biggest financial scandal’
He should fit right in then!
#FossilFuels #ClimateChange #banks #capitalist #economy #CronyCapitalist #FossilFools #money
#natwest #fossilfuels #climatechange #banks #capitalist #economy #cronycapitalist #fossilfools #money
They insist that #capitalism is the best #system because personal #financial gain is the best motive for hard #work and productivity.
They then refuse to hire #anyone who only cares about personal financial gain.
But if they were #logically consistent, they'd consider #employees who are only there for the paycheck to be the best employees.
It's almost as if they know that #people with a #capitalist mindset destroy #everything they touch.
#capitalism #system #financial #work #anyone #logically #employees #people #capitalist #everything
“If #Twitter has nothing to hide, then they should have no objection to this bill”
#Musk doesn't want the public to know 'Xs' private secrets. Corporations are not humans! Businesses shouldn't have any privacy rights!
Musk is a #neoliberal #capitalist. #Democracy isn't part of their private business plans.
If you work for them, you lose your right to have any choice in how *their* workplace is managed. They're not interested in *your* privacy (e.g., data mining)
#twitter #neoliberal #capitalist #democracy #musk
Well, banning the industry lobbyists from #climate conferences would be a giant step in the right direction.
Maybe that's too sensible for a #capitalist #economy?
Want to:
mitigate #ClimateChange & ecological degradation?
live in a fairer society where you have more agency?
"ban" oppressive a-holes from controlling countries or companies?
have a real #democracy! The change will do us the world of good.
Every society functions because people grow, make, & repair products (e.g., food, table) or provide services (e.g., health care).
The #capitalist workplace is anti-democratic!
Grow the #cooperative #business sector!
#climatechange #democracy #capitalist #cooperative #business #social #economics #politics
What’s behind recent protests in #Syria? #Capitalist media hides the truth
Nowadays, our definition of capitalist is becoming more and more blurred, and it is even difficult to tell who is a real capitalist. This means that the class consciousness of the proletarians is also gradually weakening, and there are two reasons for this weakening of the class consciousness of the proletariat: the first is that it considers itself a property-owner, and the second is that it has no object to rebel against.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
The bourgeois is the slave of the existing social system and of the prejudices connected with it; He fears, curses, and rejects all that truly marks progress; The proletarian looks at all this with open eyes and studies it with interest and effectiveness.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Poverty will force the workers to abandon their faith, and they will come to realize more and more that this faith can only make them weak, make them subservient to their fate, and make them subservient to the propertied classes that extract their fat.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
We cannot recognize only psychological development, only abstract human development that has nothing to do with the past. But the whole world, including every single person, is based on the past. Therefore, they are too pedantic, too metaphysical, and they cannot make a difference.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
Utopian socialists often complain of the decadence of the lower classes, and they fail to see the progressive element in this disintegration of the social system, and the more serious moral degradation of the mercenary and hypocritical property-owning classes.
#CPC #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
#cpc #marxism #socialist #capitalist #china #usa #marx #anticapitalist
@ellenor2000 @natty
Doesn't matter. Add an obtuse comment about the section's relationship with non-binary identity, then document all the hate directed at your supposition and source it out as a cultural anthropologic experiment to expose #Facist goals underlying modern software companies' hidden #Capitalist agenda to destroy #FeminineIdentity and subjugate it to #FauxMasculineFragiitry because all the #apocalyptic survives already have all their puppets to refer to.
#apocalyptic #fauxmasculinefragiitry #feminineidentity #capitalist #facist